The SAS System 10:54 Friday, August 26, 2005 7 The CONTENTS Procedure Data Set Name: USRDS99.PS1999 Observations: 58294864 Member Type: DATA Variables: 15 Engine: V8 Indexes: 0 Created: 15:28 Monday, June 20, 2005 Observation Length: 74 Last Modified: 15:28 Monday, June 20, 2005 Deleted Observations: 0 Protection: Compressed: CHAR Data Set Type: Reuse Space: NO Label: Point to Observations: YES Sorted: YES -----Engine/Host Dependent Information----- Data Set Page Size: 4096 Number of Data Set Pages: 894881 Number of Data Set Repairs: 0 Release Created: 8.0202M0 Host Created: WIN_ASRV -----Alphabetic List of Variables and Attributes----- # Variable Type Len Pos Format Informat Label ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14 ALOWCH Num 8 40 Allowed charges 5 CDTYPE Char 1 57 $HCCDTYP. Line Item Type 2 CLM_FROM Num 8 8 MMDDYY10. From date of service 4 CLM_THRU Num 8 16 MMDDYY10. Thru date of service 6 DIAG Char 5 58 ICD-9-cm Diagnostic code 3 HCFASAF Char 1 56 $HCFASAF. HCFA SAF source of this bill 7 HCPCS Char 5 63 HCPCS code 8 HCSRVC Char 1 68 $HCFASVC. HCFA service code 9 PLCSRV Char 2 69 $PLACESV. Place of Service 15 PMTAMT Num 8 48 Claim Payment Amount 11 PYRCOD Char 1 73 $PRPAYR. Primary Payer code 13 SBMTCH Num 8 32 Submitted Charges 10 SPCLTY Char 2 71 $PROVSP. Provider Specalty Code 12 SRVCCT Num 8 24 Total Number Line Item Services 1 USRDS_ID Num 8 0 BEST22. BEST22. USRDS patient ID number -----Sort Information----- Sortedby: USRDS_ID Validated: YES Character Set: ANSI