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Forest Vegetation Simulator

FVS Description

Drawing of a program flowchart superimposed on a forest landscape.The Forest Vegetation Simulator (FVS) is a family of forest growth simulation models. The basic FVS model structure has been calibrated to unique geographic areas to produce individual FVS variants. Since its initial development in 1973, it has become a system of highly integrated analytical tools. These tools are based upon a body of scientific knowledge developed from decades of natural resources research.

  • The FVS Model
    Further description of the FVS models' history, structure, and execution.

The FVS Staff of the Forest Management Service Center maintains, supports, and develops FVS. The FVS Staff is part of the Forest Management Service Center, located in in Fort Collins, Colorado. The Forest Management Service Center is a sub-staff of the USDA Forest Service National Headquarters' Forest Management Staff.

Picture of a forest stand, data recorder, and tree data.Input Requirements

The FVS system uses existing forest inventory data to describe initial stand conditions. FVS needs a description of the inventory design, stand attributes, and a list of individual tree records. It is capable of simulations starting with "bare ground" conditions.

  • Data
    Further description of the FVS data format and sources of data.

The FVS Interface

The Suppose icon and windows. Suppose is the FVS Windows interface. It allows easy operation with point and click functions. It is designed to flow from data input, to activity scheduling, to output results.

  • Suppose
    Further description of the FVS graphical user interface.

FVS Processing

Picture of an FVS user at his computer. Users select an appropriate FVS variant for their area. FVS variants are calibrated for each of the major tree species within a geographic region. Extensions to the base variants are also available to assess the effects of insect, disease, and fire. The selected FVS variant processes the numerical growth and yield calculations for the simulation.

FVS Output Reports and Post-Processors

Examples of FVS Post-Processor outputs: reports, graphs, and SVS. FVS produces a text output file and provides links to other programs. These other programs provide graphic displays and additional data analysis. FVS is also linked to forest planning models and GIS systems. The output capabilities can help with alternative analysis, report writing, and generating charts and graphs, all of which aid in communicating with others and making management decisions.

US Forest Service
Forest Management Service Center
2150 Centre Avenue, Bldg. A
Fort Collins, CO 80526-1891

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Last modified: Tuesday, 24-Oct-2006 18:13:12 EDT