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Log Scaling Software

FSscaler icon

Picture of a log scaler entering data on an Allegro Juniper portable data recorder. Logs are laying in the backgound.

A rotation of pictures showing views of the FSscaler program's interface.


FSscaler is the Windows / Windows CE successor to the National Scale Data Entry Program (SDE), the MS-DOS based scaling system used successfully for over ten years. FSscaler has been designed to be small, fast, stable, intuitive, and customizable.

Cubic foot scaling with either 100% or 3P sample selection is available in the current version of FSscaler. Scribner board foot and Longlog scaling will be available in future versions.

New features include the ability to collect non-scale load information and check scale data.

Juniper Allegro CE and Itronix Q100 versions are currently available. Other data recorder versions will be created as needed. A PC version of FSscaler exists for evaluation and training.

USDA Forest Service
Forest Management Service Center
2150 Centre Avenue, Bldg. A
Fort Collins, CO 80526-1891

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Last modified: May 28, 2008