EPIC Database Management Using MySQL


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Table of Contents

EPIC Database Management Using MySQL


What is MySQL

Why we use MySQL?

MySQL Download and Installation

MySQL Database Administration -- Security

EPIC Database Schema

EPIC Database Schema

EPIC-MySQL Applications

EPIC-MySQL Applications (Continue)

EPIC-MySQL Applications (Continue)

EPIC-MySQL Applications (Continue)

EPIC-MySQL Applications (Continue)

EPIC-MySQL Applications (Continue)

EPIC-MySQL Applications (Continue)

EPIC-MySQL Applications (Continue)

EPIC-MySQL Applications (Continue)

EPIC-MySQL Applications (Continue)

EPIC-MySQL Applications (Continue)

EPIC-MySQL Installation

MySQL EPIC Database Maintenance

MySQL EPIC database JDBC connection (Java Example)

Future Plan

Author: Willa Zhu

Email: willa.zhu@noaa.gov

Home Page: http://www.epic.noaa.gov/epic/ewb/

Other information:
EPIC Web Browser