
Program Description








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Asian Firsts


SEPM Directory

 Asian Firsts

1964- Patsy Takemoto Mink of Hawaii becomes the first Asian Pacific American woman and first woman of color to serve in the U.S. House of Representatives.

1995- Chang-Rae Lee's Native Speaker is the first Korean American novel published by a major American publishing house and is a critical success.

1996- Gary Locke wins gubernatorial in Washington State, becoming the first Asian American governor of one of the contigous United States.

1996- Fred Lau is appointed police chief of San Francisco becoming the first Asian Pacific American police chief of a major metropolitan city.

1997- Golfer Tiger Woods, whose mother is Thai and father is African American, wins the Masters.

1997- Time Magazine's "Man of the Year" is renowned AIDS researcher David Ho.

1999- Bill Lana Lee is nominated Ass't Attorney General for the Civil Rights Division at Dept. of Justice.

General Eric Shineki, Vice Chief of State, U.S. Army
is highest ranking Asian in U.S. Military.

Paul Igasaki is Vice-Chair of the Equal Employment
Opportunity Commission (EEOC) and the highest
ranking Asian American in the Federal government.

Kristie Yamaguchi - Olympic Gold Medalist

I. M. Pei Award-Winning Architect

Brook Lee - Miss Universe 1997-98

Sabeer Bhotia - Cofounder, Hotmail (one of the world's largest internet providers)

Lu Chen - Won her 2nd consecutive Olympic bronze medal

Hivoyasu Shimizu - Won gold medal at '98 winter olympics for long track speed skating and is currently the world record holder