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MCNPX Intermediate Workshop

Class Length:      5 days  (See schedule)
Time:      8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Place:     Microtek, Chicago, Illinois

Number accepted in class:      25
Minimum enrollment required:      10
For information on classes held in the US contact:      karinh@lanl.gov

For registration information for European classes, contact:
Enrico Sartori, OECD/NEA, at: sartori@nea.fr

This 5-day intermediate workshop includes the basics of MCNPX (i.e., Introductory material), which is covered very quickly, and more advanced material, such as:

(1) Geometry - all macrobodies, all lattice options, reading from external files;

(2) Sources - multi-particle sources, beam sources, converging sources, source mesh tallies;

(3) Tallies - multi-region pulse-height tallies, coincident capture tallies, residual tallies, mesh tallies;

(4) Physics - high-energy model options, delayed particles from fission, activation, light-ion recoil and production;

(5) Variance reduction - use with pulse-height tallies, spherical weight-windows, coupled space-energy-time weight windows;

(6) KCODE - eigenfunction convergence, transmutation, perturbations.

This is a hands-on workshop, where participants complete several exercises each day. Instructors are principal MCNPX code developers with experience in numerous application fields. Participants will be added to the MCNPX Beta web site where they can download and test all features discussed in the workshop. A notebook of all vugraph material is provided, and one get-acquainted dinner is included. Consultation time is provided 4:30-5:30 M-Th and Friday afternoon.

Address all correspondence regarding classes held in the US to Karin Hendrickson, karinh@lanl.gov,  phone:  505-606-1740.

For registration information for European classes, contact:
Enrico Sartori, OECD/NEA, at: sartori@nea.fr


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