CISM - Critical Incident Stress Management Peer Support Training Seminars  


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Critical Incident Stress Management Training Seminars


-- CISM Training Courses Offered --

Basic CISM | Advanced CISM | Peer Counselling
CISM First Nations / Aboriginal CISM


Presented By: Janelle & Associates


Member of:

  • International Critical Incident Stress Foundation
  • Association of Traumatic Stress Specialists


"…I heard this was an excellent course and I absolutely agree. It is invaluable!" (Participant)

You and your associates are cordially invited to attend the next Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) Training Seminar. We look forward to meeting you - please see right sidebar for a list of Upcoming Events.

"…This was an amazing experience that I will never forget. I now have the confidence to apply the skills learned…" (Participant)

Who Should Attend:
The Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) - Peer Support Training Seminar is highly recommended to anyone who wishes to know more about workplace crisis intervention strategies, or for those involved in peer support or trauma counseling for high-risk commercial, institutional, school districts, government, military and community organizations.

CISM Training Courses:

"Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM): Crisis Intervention for the Workplace and Community."

CISM Training courses are presented as interactive workshops designed to help public and private sector employees and mental health professionals in their understanding of a wide range of peer support crisis intervention services. CISM Training helps prepare participants to effectively provide these interventions, specifically after tragic or catastrophic events in the workplace or community.

In addition to informative lectures, all CISM Training agendas include extensive "hands-on" practical skills training and coaching, with outstanding presentations facilitated by experienced instructors. In addition, an overview of a working-model CISM protocol provides valuable insight to the structure and operation of a typical CISM program.

The CISM Training curriculum meets or exceeds all requirements and standards as set forth by the International Critical Incident Stress Foundation, Inc (ICISF). Participants receive an official ICISF Certificate of Attendance and become eligible for Continuing Education Credit (CEUs) upon completion of a course.

Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM): Basic Group Crisis Intervention.

The Basic CISM Training agenda is designed to present the core elements of a comprehensive, systematic and multi-component crisis intervention curriculum. The course helps prepare participants to provide a wide range of crisis intervention services including: pre and post incident crisis education, spousal/significant other support, on-scene support, crisis intervention for individuals, demobilization after large scale traumatic events, small group defusing and the group intervention known as Critical Incident Stress Debriefing (CISD). The need for appropriate follow-up, professional referrals and peer limitations is also described.
Additional info: Basic CISM

Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM): Advanced Group Crisis Intervention.

The Advanced CISM Training agenda is designed to provide participants with the latest information on Critical Incident Stress Management techniques and post-trauma syndromes. The program emphasizes a broadening of the knowledge base concerning critical incident stress interventions as well as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder established in the Basic program and/or publications. Specifically, the program addresses concepts that are the foundation of Defusings and Critical Incident Stress Debriefings (CISD) with an emphasis on advanced techniques for complex crisis situations. In addition, this course discusses the pathological consequences of traumatic stress and the theoretical basis and research evidence regarding CISM. (Note: The course does not provide Basic CISM instruction. Completion of a Basic CISM course should be pre-requisite for attendance).
Additional info: Advanced CISM

First Nations CISM:
Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) for First Nation and Aboriginal Communities.

Both the First Nations' Basic CISM and First Nations' Advanced CISM Training courses are offered with specially modified curriculum designed to address the unique needs of First Nations' and Aboriginal communities and supporters. Presented by a very experienced and internationally renowned instructor, the trainings emphasize CISM for First Nations' emergency service providers and techniques for crisis intervention within First Nations' communities.
Additional info: First Nations' CISM


"…I thoroughly enjoyed the class... I am leaving this course feeling empowered and confident that I can serve (others)..." (Participant)

Instruction is provided by the award-winning firm of Janelle & Associates Consulting Ltd. (an ICISF Approved Trainer organization). Instructors are all internationally acclaimed experts in CISM training for aviation, transportation, correctional services, customs and border patrol, First Nations' and aboriginal communities, emergency services, government, school districts, and many other industrial, commercial and civic agencies. Our trainers are highly skilled with a wealth of knowledge to share - don't miss these superbly designed and delightfully engaging presentations.

Course Fees:
Course fees include all course materials, workbooks, handouts, ICISF Certificate of Attendance, and coffee breaks. (See right side bar Upcoming Events for more information on individual courses and fees.) Advance registration is required and all registrations must be accompanied by a check, money order or credit card authorization, for the full amount of the course. (The favor of early registration is appreciated - class sizes are often very limited. Early Reply Discounts apply for most courses.)

Continuing Education Credit
Upon completion of the course participants are eligible for Continuing Education Units (CEUs) that may be applicable toward certain professional degrees, licenses or certifications. For more information on eligibility please contact