Inventory and Monitoring Design and Quality Assurance IMI Logo Image Forest Service Shield

Joint Operating Agreements

The Inventory and Monitoring Institute has established joint operating agreements with the following organizations:

USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Research Work Unit 4151
The intent of this JOA is to provide a collaborative setting within which the limited resources of both the IMI and the Research Unit can be employed most efficiently to accomplish their respective missions and programs of work. Cooperation, communications, and sharing ideas and expertise are essential to this partnership, while respecting the independent responsibilities of both organizations.

USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Research Work Unit 4802
The intent of this JOA is to provide a collaborative setting within which the limited resources of both the IMI and the Research Unit can be employed most efficiently to accomplish their respective missions and programs of work.

USDA Forest Service, Region 1, Ecosystem Assessment And Planning
The intent of this JOA is to provide a collaborative setting within which the resources of both the IMI and EAPS can be employed most efficiently to accomplish their respective missions and programs of work.
