Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
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Figure 5-10
New Passenger Car and Light Truck Sales: Model Years 1985-2006

Millions of vehicles

Excel | CSV | Graphic Version

Year Cars Light trucks
1985 10.79 3.67
1986 11.02 4.35
1987 10.73 4.13
1988 10.74 4.56
1989 10.02 4.44
1990 8.81 3.80
1991 8.52 4.05
1992 8.11 4.06
1993 8.46 4.75
1994 8.41 5.71
1995 9.40 5.75
1996 7.89 5.25
1997 8.34 6.12
1998 7.97 6.49
1999 8.38 6.84
2000 9.13 7.45
2001 8.41 7.20
2002 8.31 7.82
2003 7.95 7.82
2004 R7.54 R8.17
2005 R7.98 R7.99
2006 P8.27 P8.41

R = revised; P = preliminary.

Notes: Data are based on Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) definitions of light trucks (gross vehicle weight of 8,500 pounds or less).

Source: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Light-Duty Automotive Technology and Fuel Economy Trends: 1975 Through 2006, Table 1, available at http://www.epa.gov/otaq/fetrends.htm, as of July 2006.