Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)

The Transportation Network: 2005

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Mode Components
Public roads 46,873 miles of Interstate highway
115,500 miles of other National Highway System road
s3,849,259 miles of other roads
Public-use airports 5,270 airports
Airports serving large certificated carriers 26 large hub areasa (69 airports), 484 million enplaned passengers
37 medium hub areas (60 airports), 141 million enplaned passengers
66 small hub areas (82 airports), 53 million enplaned ­passengers
930 nonhub areas (968 airports), 23 million enplaned ­passengers
Miles of railroad operated 95,664 miles by Class I freight railroads in the United Statesb
15,388 miles by regional freight railroads
29,197 miles by local freight railroads
23,000 miles by Amtrak (passenger)c (2004)
Urban transit  
Directional route-milesd Bus: 165,854e
Trolley bus: 425
Commuter rail: 4,407
Heavy rail: 1,596
Light rail: 1,097
Stations Commuter rail: 1,153
Heavy rail: 1,023
Light rail: 723
Navigable channels 26,000 miles (2003)
Ferry routesf 623 directional route miles (2004)
Commercial waterway facilitiesa  
Great Lakes 600 deep-draft
154 shallow-draft
Inland 2,320 shallow-draft
Ocean 4,298 deep-draft
1,761 shallow-draft
Locks Locks: 257
Oil Crude lines: 60,043 miles of pipe
Product lines: 71,310 miles of pipe
Gas (2004) Transmission: 298,900 miles of pipe
Distribution: 1,139,800 miles of pipe

a See Glossary for definitions.

b There are also 1,368 miles of railroad operated within the U.S. Class I freight railroad system that are owned by Canadian railroads.

c The Amtrak mileage includes the 745 miles of trackage it owns and route-miles operated on the tracks of the freight railroads.

d Directly operated service. Does not include contracted service.

e Includes directional route-miles on exclusive right-of-way, controlled right-of-way, and mixed traffic.

Sources: Various sources, as cited in USDOT, RITA, BTS, National Transportation Statistics, available at http://www.bts.gov; Association of American Railroads, Railroad Facts, 2006 (Washington, DC: 2006); USDOT, Federal Highway Administration, Highway Statistics 2005 (Washington, DC: 2006), table HM-18; Oil & Gas Journal, Sept. 11, 2006; USDOT, Federal Transit Administration, 2004 National Transit Summaries and Trends, tables 21, 23, and 24, available at http://www.ntdprogram.com/ntdprogram/pubs.htm; USDOT, RITA, BTS, "Airport Activity Statistics of Certificated Air Carriers, Summary Tables, 12 Months Ending Dec. 31, 2005," 2005; U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Institute for Water Resources, Navigation Data Center, The U.S. Waterway System Facts, December 2005 (Alexandria, VA: 2005).

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