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HSR&D 2004 National Meeting Abstracts

4005. Applying VANOD Reports to the Sites
Alice S Naqvi, MS, VA Palo Alto Healthcare System, M Haberfelde, VA San Francisco Healthcare System, YF Li, VA Seattle Healthcare System, M Buffum, VA San Francisco Healthcare System

Objectives: A key objective of the VA Nursing Outcomes Database (VANOD) project is to produce data reports that provide useful information to the participating twelve VA Medical Center sites.

Methods: Using existing database reports as models (e.g., California Nursing Outcomes Coalition [CalNOC] and the National Database of Nursing Quality Indicators), the VANOD team designed reports to show data for all of the indicators: falls and injuries, pressure ulcer prevalence, patient satisfaction, staffing, skill mix, staff musculoskeletal injuries, and RN satisfaction. Data from each indicator are graphed quarterly by month at the unit level, and are graphically benchmarked for comparison by unit type with the VA and CalNOC aggregated data. Site identity is private, confidentiality is maintained, and each site can share their own identity and data as desired. Information from the reports can be used for clinical quality improvement efforts, and the relationships between staffing and patient outcomes can be explored. Reports are designed for use at all levels, from top executive to nursing staff.

Results: Sites identify and share their opportunities for improvement during conference calls. Sites provide feedback on the report format and usefulness and describe practical application in synthesizing information.

Conclusions: Reports generated through a collaborative and iterative process encourage opportunities for identifying and testing changes in practice and quality improvement.

Impact: The VANOD project’s regular report distribution will provide information for benchmarking within and outside of VA. Through the use of VANOD data, best practices can be identified, evidence-based changes can be implemented, and quality efforts can be tested.

Panel: Marti Buffum Mimi Haberfelde Yu-Fang Li Alice Naqvi