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Forum for MCNP Users

To SUBSCRIBE to the list mcnp-forum@lanl.gov
Send email to: listmanager@maillist.lanl.gov
with the following in the body of the email:

subscribe mcnp-forum [address]

where the address inside the square brackets (typed without the brackets) is needed only if it is not the same as the address from which the request is issued.

To UNSUBSCRIBE from the list mcnp-forum@lanl.gov
Send email to: listmanager@maillist.lanl.gov
with the following in the body of the email:

unsubscribe mcnp-forum [address]

where the address inside the square brackets (typed without the brackets) is needed only if it is not the same as the address from which the request is issued.

Post your message to the MCNP Forum
Note: Only forum subscribers can post messages to the MCNP Forum.

To review the archives of the MCNP Forum go to:The MCNP5 Users Notebook

Older forum posts (before May 2003) are archived in the MCNP4C Users Notebook

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Webmaster: Sheila Girard  |   This page last reviewed:  Thursday, 29-Jan-2004

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