Table 3: Quarterly Domestic Operating profit/loss margin (in percent),,,,,,, Low-Cost Carriers ,,,,,,, Ranked by 1st Quarter 2006 Margin ,,,,,,, (Operating Profit/Loss as Percent of Total Operating Revenue) ,,,,,,, 1Q 2006 Rank,Low-Cost Carriers,1st Quarter 2005 (%),2nd Quarter 2005 (%),3rd Quarter 2005 (%),4th Quarter 2005 (%),1st Quarter 2006 (%),1st Quarter Operating Profit/Loss $(Millions) 1,America West,6.6,3.4,-6.2,-16.5,9,77.1 2,Southwest,6.4,11.5,13.7,8.2,4.9,98.1 3,AirTran,-3.2,5.3,0.3,0.9,-1.1,-4.5 4,Frontier,-1.3,-0.2,5.2,-5.5,-3.9,-8.9 5,JetBlue,6.9,9.3,3.2,-4,-5.1,-24.9 6,Spirit,-3.8,-10.7,-14.2,-22.3,-7.3,-8.3 7,ATA*,-185,-38.9,-81.4,53.8,N/A,N/A ,Seven-Carrier Total**,-4.3,5.3,2.1,1.2,3.1,128.6 "Source: Bureau of Transportation Statistics; Form 41, Schedule P1.2 ",,,,,,, * ATA Airlines was granted an extension to file until June 30.,,,,,,, ** Six-Carrier Total for First Quarter 2006,,,,,,,