USDA Forest Service Update Sept 2008 SUBJECT: Executive Order 13442 - Facilitation of Hunting Heritage and Wildlife Conservation Summary: Executive Order 13442, facilitation of hunting heritage and wildlife conservation, directs Federal agencies within the Department of the Interior and Department of Agriculture to facilitate the expansion and enhancement of hunting opportunities and the management of game species and their habitat. For decades the National forests and grasslands, in collaboration with state agencies and non-governmental organizations (NGOs), have implemented numerous programs that resulted in world-class hunting opportunities across the nation. Under this new EO, the Forest Service will initiate new actions to expand and enhance hunting prospects and support collaborative efforts to make certain that hunting remains part of the nation's heritage and landscape. The Forest Service will seek the advice of state and tribal fish and wildlife agencies, and, as appropriate, consult with the Sporting Conservation Council with respect to Federal activities that recognize and promote the economic and recreational values of hunting and wildlife conservation. Implementing actions to meet the intent of Executive Order 13442 will require involvement from all levels of the agency, and close collaboration with our state, federal, and NGO partners. Possible Agency Actions: Recently, solicitation from the Forest Service field units yielded a number of useful suggestions on how the agency can meet the intent of E.O. 13442. Suggested activities the agency can implement include the following: improve access through strategic land exchanges, easements, road management and maintenance; coordinate travel guidelines, enhanced FS websites to accommodate the hunting public with web links to state hunting regulations and web-based inter-agency integrated maps (e.g., Google Earth format) to display hunting and shooting sports opportunities, access points and public travel corridors. The agency will also promote hunting and shooting sports educational programs externally and internally; support a national hunting/shooting sports day; promote restoration and conservation of key habitats in limited supply (winter range, security cover, early successional habitat); increase support for species and ecosystem conservation strategies that also benefit game species (e.g., Greater Sage-Grouse Conservation Assessment and Strategy, Aspen, and Long-leaf pine restoration); include State Wildlife Action Plan objectives and actions in FS planning; and, increase participation in State Wildlife Action Plan implementation teams. EO Conference. The Chairman of the CEQ is responsible for convening a White House Conference on North American Wildlife Policy to facilitate an exchange of information and meet the goals of the E.O. The Chairman will develop a Comprehensive Recreational Hunting and Wildlife Conservation Plan with a 10-year agenda to meet EO goals. The Forest Service is actively in both of these actions. The North American Wildlife Conservation Technical Workshop occurred April 8-9, 2008 in Denver; and the Executive Workshop, June 16-17, 2008 in Washington, DC. Eight policy papers are being developed for the White House Conference to be held in October, 2008. Contacts: Anne Zimmermann, Director Wildlife, Fish, Rare Plants, 202-205-1167; Gene DeGayner, National Wildlife Program Leader, 202-205-1281,; Jina Mariani, Assistant National Wildlife Program Leader, 202 205-0815,