Forest Service Threatened and Endangered Species July 8, 2008 Species that occur on National Forest System lands, or are potentially affected by NFS management, and are listed as Threatened or Endangered, pursuant to the Endangered Species Act TAXONOMIC GROUP Forest Service Total U.S. Total % of U.S. Total on F.S. 1. FLOWERING PLANTS 156 713 22 2. FERNS, FERN ALLIES 3 26 13 3. LICHENS 1 2 50 4. AMPHIBIANS 12 23 52 5. ARACHNIDS 1 12 8 6. BIRDS 30 90 33 7. CLAMS 57 70 81 8. CRUSTACEANS 7 22 32 9. FISHES 92 139 66 10. INSECTS 14 57 25 11. MAMMALS 32 81 39 12. REPTILES 8 37 22 13. SNAILS 9 75 12 TOTAL T&E SPECIES 422 1353* 31 T&E species with FWS- or NMFS-approved, final recovery plans 311 1,165 na Percent with FWS- or NMFS- approved recovery plans 74% 86% na * FWS total includes coral, conifer and cycad species Endangered Species Act Species Recovery Information: Fish and Wildlife Service: NOAA Fisheries/NMFS: Forest Service Endangered Species website: