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WRFP Management System


This list of acronyms identifies some of the Forest Service abbreviations and jargon used throughout this application. If you find other words that are not easily defined in these web pages, please contact Netta Grant at

    1. BA: Biological Assessment
    2. BE: Biological Evaluation
    3. BLI: Budget Line Item
    4. CA: Conservation Assessment
    5. CH: Critical Habitat
    6. CS: Conservation Strategy
    7. ESA: Endangered Species Act
    8. MAR: Management Attainment Report
    9. NEPA: National Environmental Policy Act
    10. NFAF: National Forest Anadromous Fish
    11. NFHF: National Forest Hazardous Fuels
    12. NFIF: National Forest Inland Fish
    13. NFTE: National Forest Threatened and Endangered
    14. NFVM: National Forest Vegetation Management
    15. NFWF: National Forest Wildlife and Fisheries
    16. NFWL: National Forest Wildlife
    17. P&M: Program and Management
    18. TEP: Threatened, Endangered, and Proposed
    19. TEPS: Threatened, Endangered, Proposed, and Sensitive
    20. TES: Threatened, Endangered, and Sensitive
    21. WFRP-MS: Wildlife, Fish, and Rare Plants Management System
    22. WFW: Watershed, Fish, and Wildlife (Staff acronym)

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Wildlife, Fish, and Rare Plant Management System (WFRP-MS)
Washington, D.C. Office
Author: Antoinetta Y. Grant, WFW staff
Phone: 202.205.0916
Publish_date: 2005
Expires: none

Photo Credits

USDA Forest Service
P.O. Box 96090
Washington, D.C. 20090-6090
(202) 205-8333