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HSR&D » Meetings » 2003
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2003 HSR&D National Meeting

"Diverse Veteran Populations: Challenges and Opportunities" was the theme of this year's Health Services Research and Development Service (HSR&D) National Meeting, recently held in Washington, D.C. More than 600 HSR&D researchers, clinicians, and policy makers attended the two-and-a-half day meeting, participating in competitive paper sessions, exhibits, workshops, and a poster session. Hosted by HSR&D's Center for Mental Healthcare and Outcomes Research in Little Rock, AK, the conference addressed topics that ran the gamut of health care issues facing our diverse veteran population and the Veterans Healthcare Administration (VHA), such as: racial and ethnic variations in healthcare, homelessness, inpatient psychiatric care, end-of-life care, HIV infection, chronic disease, management research, and outpatient pharmacy expenditures. Under Secretary for Health Robert H. Roswell, MD, provided opening remarks, noting that because VHA has done such an incredible job in improving the quality of VA's healthcare, there is "an unprecedented demand for access to care." He went on to say that health services research is a "vital force" in finding "new ways to improve access and care" and in "shaping the future of VHA." Dr. Roswell presented the Under Secretary's Award for Outstanding Achievement in Health Services Research to Morris Weinberger, PhD, for his exceptional leadership and enduring dedication to the field - as a scientist, colleague, teacher, and mentor. Dr. Weinberger's impressive career has focused largely on innovative work in disease management and geriatrics, as well as clinical trials.

Nelda Wray, MD, MPH, VA's newly appointed Chief of Research and Development, presented her vision: "Today's VA research leading tomorrow's healthcare," which she feels will be realized when VHA has systematic, rapid improvements in health care that are based on solid research. John G. Demakis, MD, Director of HSR&D, spoke about HSR&D's contribution to realizing this vision through its continuing commitment to discover knowledge, develop VA researchers and health care leaders, and create innovations that translate into advances in health care for veterans and the nation.

Plans are underway for an Office of Research and Development national meeting next year. Please check the VA Office of Research & Development website at for an update of meeting details.
