Resource Record Details

Environmental Assessment for High Island School Temporary Community Housing Site, High Island, Galveston County Texas (December 2008)

FEMA is proposing to provide emergency and temporary housing for eligible disaster victims whose homes are uninhabitable or destroyed as a result of Hurricane Ike. In accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act, an Environmental Assessment has been prepared to evaluate impacts of the proposed temp housing site on the environment.

Document Details:
Media Type: File
Availability: Online
Custom CD/DVD
Language: English
Resource File: View / Download / Print  (pdf 1781K) This is a large file and may take considerable time to download on slower connections. Consider adding this to your Bookshelf and then using the "CD on Demand" feature upon checkout instead.
508 Accessible Format: View / Download / Print  (txt 31K)
Chapter / Section Records
Chapter / Section Title: Draft FONSI
Chapter / Section Number: Draft FONSI
Resource File: View / Download / Print  (pdf 42K)
508 Accessible Format: View / Download / Print  (txt 9K)

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