Resource Record Details

Final Environmental Assessment, East Lents Floodplain Restoration Project, Portland, Oregon

The City of Portland, Oregon, applied to FEMA for funding assistance under the Pre-Disaster Mitigation Program for a floodplain restoration project in the East Lents neighborhood. The preferred alternative (proposed action) would increase floodplain storage and conveyance capacity by removing alluvial and man-made fill from the floodplain and terracing the banks along Johnson Creek. The draft Environmental Assessment (EA) for the East Lents Floodplain Restoration Project evaluated potentially significant resources that could be impacted. The evaluation resulted in no identification of significant impacts associated with the resources of Climate, Geology and Soils; Vegetation; Water Resources; Wetlands; Biological Resources; Cultural Resources; Historical Resources; Hazardous Wastes and Materials; and Socioeconomics and Environmental Justice.

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Availability: Online
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Language: English
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Chapter / Section Records
Chapter / Section Title: Finding of No Significant Impact
Chapter / Section Number: FONSI
Resource File: View / Download / Print  (pdf 194K)
508 Accessible Format: View / Download / Print  (txt 7K)

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