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Other Commission Orders, Notices, and Information

Archive of older SEC Commission Orders, Notices and Information available include:

First Quarter

Additional Archives

Release No. Date Details
First Quarter
33-8997 Jan. 12, 2009 Gabelli Funds, LLC (Order Under Rule 602(e) of the Securities Act of 1933 Granting a Gabelli Funds, LLC, Waiver of the Rule 602(c)(3) Disqualification Provision)
File No.:  3-13332
34-59218 Jan. 8, 2009 Program for Allocation of Regulatory Responsibilities Pursuant to Rule 17d-2 (Order Approving and Declaring Effective a Plan for the Allocation of Regulatory Responsibilities Between the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc. and the Boston Stock Exchange, Incorporated)
File No.:  4-575
See also:  Notice: Rel. No. 34-59101

Modified: 01/13/2009