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Cover of original Afghan Children's Songbook, 1968.

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Cover of English-translated Afghan Children's Songbook, 2008.

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Louise Pascale with children, Kabul, Afghanistan, 1967.

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Louise Pascale teaching Afghan children the "Ali Baba" song which is about Ali Baba going to his garden where there are lots of animals, c. 1968, Afghanistan.
Photo by Jim Soules

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Children at the Small Heaven Orphanage in Kabul singing with the newly printed Afghan Children's Songbook, February 2008.
Photo by Hassibullah Roshan

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Children at the Small Heaven Orphanage in Kabul singing with the newly printed Afghan Children's Songbook, February 2008.
Photo by Hassibullah Roshan

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Ustad Ghulam Hussein with children, Kabul, Afghanistan, 1945. Maestro Ghulam Hussein is considered "The Father of Music" in Afghanistan. He is held in high esteem for his progressive thinking about the role of music in culture. The original songbook, printed in 1968, was dedicated to him.

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Vaheed Kaceemy with children in Toronto, Canada, 2006