Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
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Appendix E. List of Acronyms and Initialisms

AAA American Automobile Association

AADT Annual Average Daily Traffic

AAMA American Automobile
Manufacturers Association

AAR Association of American Railroads

AAS Air Activity Statistics of Certificated
Air Carriers

AGA American Gas Association

AI Alcohol Involvement

AIA Aerospace Industries Association

ALVW Adjusted Loaded Vehicle Weight

AMIO Alien Migrant Interdiction

AOPL Association of Oil Pipelines

APTA American Public Transit Association

ATS American Travel Survey

ATV All-Terrain Vehicle


BAC Blood Alcohol Concentration

BEA Bureau of Economic Analysis

BMA Bicycle Manufacturer's Association

BTS Bureau of Transportation Statistics

Btu British Thermal Unit


CFR U.S. Code of Federal Regulation

CFS Commodity Flow Survey

CNG Compressed Natural Gas

CO Carbon Monoxide

CVS Certification Vehicle Standard


dB Decibels

DNL Day Night Sound Level

dwt Deadweight Tons


EPA U.S. Environmental Protection

EIA Energy Information

FAA Federal Aviation Administration

FARS Fatality Analysis Reporting
System Database

FERC Federal Energy Regulatory

FHWA Federal Highway Administration

FRA Federal Railway Administration

FTA Federal Transit Administration

FTP Federal Test Procedure

FTZ Foreign Trade Zone


GAATA General Aviation and Air Taxi

GAMA General Aviation Manufacturers

GES General Estimates System

GIS Geographic Information System

g/mi Grams Per Mile

GVWR Gross Vehicle Weight Rating


HC Hydrocarbon

HPMS Highway Performance Monitoring


ICC Interstate Commerce Commission

INM Integrated Noise Model

IO Investigative Officer

IRI International Roughness Index


LDT Light-Duty Truck

LMIS Lloyd's Maritime Information System

LPG Liquefied Petroleum Gas

LR Lloyd's Register

LVW Loaded Vehicle Weight


MARAD Maritime Administration

MCMIS Motor Carrier Management
Information System

MIC Motorcycle Industry Council, Inc.

mmbd Million Barrels Per Day

MOBILE Mobile Source Emissions Factor

MDPV Medium-Duty Passenger Vehicles

mpg Miles Per Gallon

MSIS Marine Safety Information System

MTBE Methyl Tributyl Ether

MVMA Motor Vehicle Manufacturers


NANIM Nationwide Airport Noise Impact

NBDA National Bicycle Dealers Association

NDC Navigation Data Center

NHS National Highway System

NHTSA National Highway Traffic Safety

NMAC Near Mid-Air Collision

NOx Nitrogen Oxides

NOPS National Operations Center

NOPUS National Occupant Protection Use

NPIAS National Plan of Integrated Airport

NPTS Nationwide Personal Transportation

NTD National Transit Database

NTS National Transportation Statistics

NTSB National Transportation Safety Board


OAI Office of Airline Information

OAG Official Airline Guide

OIG Office of the Inspector General

OPS Office of Pipeline Safety

ORNL Oak Ridge National Laboratory

OST Office of the Secretary of


PAR Police Accident Report

PIRS Pollution Incident Reporting System

PMT Passenger Miles of Travel

PSI Pollutant Standard Index

PSR Present Serviceability Rating

RFG Reformulated Gasoline

RO/RO Roll-On/Roll-Off

RSPA Research and Special Programs

RTECS Residential Transportation Energy
Consumption Survey

RVP Reid Vapor Pressure


SAMIS Safety Management Information

SEC Securities and Exchange Commission

SHA State Highway Agencies

SO2 Sodium Dioxide

STB Surface Transportation Board


TMG Traffic Monitoring Guide

TIUS Truck Inventory and Use Survey

TSFD Transborder Surface Freight Data


USACE U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

USCG U.S. Coast Guard

USDOC U.S. Department of Commerce

USDOD U.S. Department of Defense

USDOT Department of Transportation

USSR Union of Soviet Social Republic


TAF Terminal Area Forecast

TIUS Truck Inventory and Use Survey

TMG Traffic Monitoring Guide

TRFD Transportation-Related Final

TTI Texas Transportation Institute