Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
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Table 1-30MRoadway Vehicle-Kilometers Traveled (VKT) and VKT per Lane-Kilometer by Functional Class

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  1980 1985 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998
VKT (millions)                      
Interstate 259,494 R347,922 448,848 459,187 488,059 510,805 532,013 R549,616 R565,813 R581,571 602,551
Other arterialsa R779,228 R930,637 R1,125,309 1,138,642 1,199,958 1,245,599 1,284,096 R1,311,782 R1,343,198 R1,362,467 1,387,975
Collector 133,645 144,162 R171,069 172,652 186,789 189,721 193,263 R204,199 R208,105 209,957 210,601
Local R204,051 257,595 R307,471 303,158 318,821 322,526 322,969 R331,376 R335,346 R357,314 361,046
Total R1,376,418 R1,680,316 R2,052,696 2,073,639 2,193,627 2,268,651 2,332,341 R2,396,973 R2,452,461 R2,511,309 2,562,172
Interstate 217,397 248,414 R322,148 329,934 330,813 335,240 346,924 R359,499 R374,278 R386,438 404,046
Other arterialsa R422,895 R455,128 R532,478 538,737 553,715 562,575 575,066 R593,197 R609,696 R630,029 649,505
Collectorb R304,920 332,602 R386,984 395,304 378,052 364,189 371,001 R380,044 R387,901 R408,464 415,323
Local 136,318 R139,851 R156,717 157,969 160,239 165,014 168,845 169,245 R176,256 184,288 194,081
Total R1,081,529 R1,175,995 R1,398,326 1,421,943 1,422,819 1,427,018 1,461,836 R1,501,986 R1,548,131 R1,609,218 1,662,954
VKT per lane-kilometer (thousands)                      
Interstate R3,327 R3,773 R4,483 4,542 4,508 4,588 4,667 R4,785 R4,902 R5,005 5,140
Other arterialsa R1,451 R1,556 R1,751 1,758 1,783 1,778 1,803 R1,828 R1,855 R1,868 1,899
Collector R572 R552 R634 649 659 656 655 R686 R687 R693 698
Local R146 R168 R184 179 181 179 178 R181 292 R190 191
Total R613 R677 R764 766 775 782 794 R809 R819 R830 842
Interstate R1,031 R1,170 R1,473 1,502 1,540 1,576 1,642 R1,693 R1,748 R1,803 1,885
Other arterialsa R518 R555 R640 646 653 665 674 R695 1,144 R729 750
Collectorb R132 R141 R164 167 163 158 161 R167 274 R179 182
Local R19 R20 R23 23 23 24 25 R25 R25 R27 29
Total R103 R113 R136 138 139 140 144 R148 245 R157 165

a For urban: the sum of other freeways and expressways, other principal arterials, and minor arterials.For rural: they represent the sum of other principal arterials and minor arterials.
b Collector is the sum of major and minor collectors (rural only).

KEY: R = revised.

NOTE: See table 1-5M for estimated highway lane-kilometers by functional class.

1980-94: U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Highway Statistics Summary to 1995, FHWA-PL-97-009 (Washington, DC: July 1997), table VM-202.
1995-97: Ibid., Highway Statistics (Washington, DC: Annual issues), tables VM-2 and VM-2A.
1980-95: Ibid., Office of Highway Information Management, unpublished data, 1997, table HM-260.
1996-98: Ibid., Highway Statistics (Washington, DC: Annual issues), table HM-60.