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HSR&D » Publications » Forum » Apr08
HSR&D Home FORUM publications

In This Issue


VA Responds to the Needs of Aging Veterans
by James F. Burris,M.D., Chief Consultant for Geriatrics & Extended Care

Response to Commentary

Defining Better Care for Aging Veterans
by Joseph Francis, M.D., M.P.H., VA Central Office, Washington, D.C.

Research Highlights

Finding Better Ways to Support Family Caregivers
by Linda O. Nichols, Ph.D., VA Medical Center of Memphis

Evaluation of the Assisted Living Pilot Program
by Susan C. Hedrick, Ph.D., Northwest HSR&D Center of Excellence, Marylou Guihan, Ph.D., Hines HSR&D Center of Excellence, Michael Chapko, Ph.D., Northwest HSR&D Center of Excellence

Depression and Suicide in Aging Veterans: SMITREC Initiatives
by Helen C. Kales M.D. and Marcia Valenstein M.D., M.S., VA Serious Mental Illness Treatment Research and Evaluation Center (SMITREC) and VA HSR&D Center of Excellence, Ann Arbor, Michigan


Highlights of the 2008 HSR&D National Meeting


Asch Receives 2008 Under Secretary’s Award for Outstanding Achievement