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Health Education Program

- Teaching Resources -

Providing teaching resources that are culturally appropriate has been found to be very important by a 1991 survey conducted by the Network for Cancer Control Research among American Indian and Alaska Native Populations. When Native Americans were asked to review patient education materials that had been developed for other population groups, such as whites or African Americans, the common response was: "It is too bad those people get that disease." When told by the surveyors that Native Peoples also get these diseases, the response was "No, there is nothing in that pamphlet about us. . .we must not get it." (Linda Burhansstipanov, Dr. P.H., 1994)

This section is intended to provide a clearinghouse of teaching resources that may assist you in designing culturally appropriate materials and education programs. Although attempts have been made to review all this information, inclusion of materials in this listing does not necessarily imply endorsement by the Indian Health Service.

Cancer Education Resources for American Indians and Alaska Natives

National Cancer Institute
NIH Publication No. 94-3706

This directory is designed to assist in the development and implementation of cancer prevention and control programs among Indigenous Peoples.  It provides examples of  materials developed by and for Native Peoples throughout the United States.

American Indian and Alaska Native People

"Keepers of Wisdom to Strengthen the Hearts"

National Institutes of Health
National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute

A series of culturally relevant patient education fact sheets about how to prevent heart disease.

The Native American Women's Health Education Resource Center Clearinghouse>

Materials that can be purchased through this clearinghouse are related to health and the environment. Reports, posters, pamphlets, T-shirts and video's on tops including AIDS Prevention, Smoking Cessation, Cancer Prevention, FAS Prevention, Reproductive Health, environmental Issues, and more.   (605-487-7072)

CHARIOT Distribution

Order videos addressing Native American history and culture, Native American health and wellness, Native  American teen prevention programs.    (1-800-477-5128)

The Falmouth Institute, Inc.

Native American Resource Catalog

The Falmouth Institute is a leading training, consulting and publishing firm dealing solely with Native American issues.  The catalog includes videos, books and periodicals in a wide array of topics:  Native American History, Health and the Environment, Indian Education, and much more.   (1-800-992-4489)

Saint Vincent Hospital and Health Center

Jeannine Brant, RN, MS, OCN
Box 35200
Billings, MT  59107-5200

Distributing a 30 min video titled "Standing Strong Against the Cancer Enemy" produced by Old Man Coyote Productions.  This video takes a look at lifestyle choices such as smoking, chewing tobacco, alcohol, diet and exercise that affect the risks of getting cancer.  The goal is to improve cancer prevention behaviors and motivate native American people to stand strong against the cancer enemy.

Common Sense Patient Education, 2nd ed.

Author: Kate Lorig
Sage Publications, Inc.
2455 Teller Road
Thousand Oaks, CA 91320-2218

This book provides the health professional with a practical, step-by-step description of the process of conceptualizing, designing, implementing and evaluating a successful patient education program.  Lorig makes recommendations on how to work effectively with culturally diverse populations, how to work with patients who are hard to help and how to deal with problems of compliance.   email:   (805-499-9774)

Patient Education Management

American Health Consultants

This monthly publication is an excellent source of up-to-date clinical and administrative information about patient education for Nurse managers, Education Directors, Case Managers and Discharge Planners.

Teaching patients with low literacy skills

Doak, C; Conrath; Doak, L;
Root, J 2nd ed.; Philadelphia  J.B. Lippincott, c1996

This book does a very nice job of discussing how to effectively get your health care message across to low literate adult clients.

Other People's Words: The Cycle of Low Literacy

Purcell-Gates, Victoria; Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1995.Available from: Harvard University Press; phone (800) 448-2242; $17.50.

This 242-page case study of an urban white Appalachian family traces two years in the mother and son's struggle to learn to read. The author writes an engaging story in which she describes some of the cultural barriers for literacy acquisition and details the steps she feels are necessary to make learning to read and write make sense to people who live in an oral-based culture.

Quick and Practical Information about Nutrition Website

Oregon State University Extension Family and Community Development

This website is for educators interested in information, resources, tips and skill-building so that they can more effectively work with low income, culturally diverse audiences and develop nutrition education programs.  This site offers great information about How to develop low literacy materials, working with low income families, current trends in nutrition and much more.

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