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Health Education Program


The Indian Health Service Health Education program implemented the Patient Education project as a multidisciplinary tool to encourage all hospital and clinic disciplines to jointly address the provision of health and patient education in hospitals and clinics. The Patient Education project began with the dissemination of the "Process Manual for Developing Policies and Procedures in Hospitals and Clinics." In conjunction with developing patient education policies and procedures, sites are encouraged to adopt and implement the Indian Health Service’s Patient Education Protocols and Codes.

For additional information on the Indian Health Service Patient Education Protocols and Codes and/or the Process Manual, contact:

Process Manual for Developing Policies and Procedures in Hospitals and Clinics

The Process Manual for Developing Policies and Procedures in Hospitals and Clinics is a manual that provides a road map on how to develop patient education policies and procedures for IHS, Tribal and Urban hospitals, clinics and community health programs.

Patient and Family Education (PFE) Protocols & Codes

The Indian Health Service’s Patient Education Protocols and Codes are to be used to standardize the documentation of patient education encounters from one visit to another; and from one health professional to another.  Utilizing these codes allows for the analysis of aggregate data and measurement of program effectiveness.

ORYX Indicators for PFE

These five patient education-specific indicators are an excellent program tool to develop aggregate information about the number of patient education encounters that are documented.

  • Click here for a brief explanation of what the ORYX Indicators are.
  • Click here to view a detailed discussion of ORYX Indicators for PFE (.pdf file).
  • Click the URL below to access the IHS web site for the ORYX project:

    PFE Program Administrative Tools and Marketing Materials

    This marketing package contains in-service presentations, brochures, posters, and other program "advertising" materials that can be customized to help promote patient education at individual sites.

  • Patient Education Resources Main Page
  • Administrative Resources Main Page
  • Useful Links Page

    PFE Teaching Resources
  • Patient Education Resources Main Page
  • Teaching Resources Main Page
  • Downloadable Patient Education Brochures Main Page
  • Useful Links Page

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