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VA National Clinical Public Health Programs — HIV/AIDS

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Drug Dosing Toolkit

Intelence (etravirine)

Type of Drug: Nonnucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitor
(NNRTI, nonnucleoside, "nonnuke")

Approved adult dosing

two 100 mg tablets, twice a day after meals

  • Morning

    Intelence 100mgIntelence 100mg


  • Evening

    Intelence 100mgIntelence 100mg


Note: Intelence must be used with other anti-HIV medicines. It is intended for patients who are taking anti-HIV medicines but whose medicines are not controlling their HIV infection or whose virus is becoming resistant to treatment.

My doctor's instructions

Notes on taking this medication

  • Take after a meal (do not take without food)
  • Intelence can interact with other drugs; consult your medical provider

Side effects

  • Rash (usually is mild to moderate. If severe rash develops, contact your medical provider)
  • Nausea
  • Intelence has not been studied during pregnancy; tell your medical provider if you become pregnant while taking this drug