TTB Press Release

For Immediate Release
Contact: Art Resnick (202) 927-8062

May 14, 2003


PWG Vintners Reaches Settlement Over Violations

San Francisco - The Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) announced its acceptance of a $100,000 Offer-in-Compromise to resolve alleged violations of the Federal Alcohol Administration Act. The Offer-in-Compromise stemmed from PWG's dissemination of advertising material containing misleading curative or therapeutic claims.

The advertising material consisted of approximately 46,360 heart-shaped neck hangers designed for hanging on the neck of a wine bottle. The neck hanger contained statements regarding the curative or therapeutic effects of wine consumption that tended to create a misleading impression.

Upon discovery of the violations, PWG took action to recall the objectionable advertisements and has voluntarily implemented controls to assure future compliance.

For other information visit TTB's web site at

