Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
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Table 3-29a: Transportation Expenditures by Mode and Level of Government from Own Funds, Fiscal Year

(Current $ millions)

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  1980 1985 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002
TOTAL, all modesa (R) 56,217 (R) 77,213 (R) 100,685 (R) 108,338 (R) 114,640 (R) 116,517 (R) 125,946 (R) 130,540 (R) 133,410 (R) 138,392 (R) 145,673 (R) 154,718 (R) 167,360 183,057 U
Federal (R) 24,661 28,300 30,924 33,015 35,331 37,337 39,733 (R) 40,802 (R) 40,829 (R) 41,799 (R) 41,325 (R) 43,758 (R) 49,443 (R) 56,477 62,968
State and locala (R) 31,556 (R) 48,914 (R) 69,760 (R) 75,323 (R) 79,309 (R) 79,180 (R) 86,213 (R) 89,738 (R) 92,581 (R) 96,593 (R) 104,348 (R) 110,961 (R) 117,916 126,581 U
Highways, total 34,553 46,613 62,629 66,588 69,018 70,054 74,591 79,375 81,623 84,290 89,527 95,556 103,952 110,465 U
Federal 11,706 15,039 15,517 15,921 16,837 18,144 20,113 20,144 20,695 21,425 20,725 23,553 27,759 29,950 33,214
State and local 22,847 31,574 47,112 50,667 52,182 51,910 54,478 59,232 60,927 62,865 68,802 72,003 76,192 80,515 U
Air, total 5,673 7,903 12,568 13,978 15,920 17,412 17,945 (R) 16,894 (R) 17,237 (R) 8,727 (R) 19,525 (R) 21,712 (R) 22,017 (R) 27,404 U
Federal 3,762 4,947 7,305 8,285 9,317 10,053 10,150 (R) 10,356 (R) 10,099 (R) 10,088 (R) 10,554 (R) 10,645 (R) 10,481 (R) 13,889 15,249
State and local 1,911 2,955 5,263 5,692 6,604 7,359 7,795 6,538 7,138 8,639 8,971 11,067 11,536 (R) 13,515 U
Transit, totala (R) 8,915 (R) 16,308 (R) 19,251 (R) 20,848 (R) 22,313 (R) 21,272 (R) 25,087 (R) 26,161 (R) 26,343 (R) 26,873 (R) 28,103 (R) 29,022 (R) 32,384 (R) 33,590 U
Federal 3,307 3,427 3,832 3,917 3,675 3,517 3,770 4,474 4,375 4,583 4,302 4,265 (R) 5,334 7,048 7,695
State and locala (R) 5,608 (R) 12,881 (R) 15,420 (R) 16,930 (R) 18,639 (R) 17,755 (R) 21,317 (R) 21,687 (R) 21,968 (R) 22,290 (R) 23,801 (R) 24,757 (R) 27,050 (R) 26,542 U
Water, total (R) 4,475 5,124 5,480 5,847 6,167 6,593 7,046 6,628 6,775 6,996 7,144 7,684 7,946 10,469 U
Federal 3,308 3,642 3,537 3,833 4,304 4,462 4,457 4,380 4,237 4,212 4,391 4,567 4,814 (R) 4,475 5,223
State and local (R) 1,167 1,481 1,943 2,014 1,863 2,131 2,589 2,247 2,538 2,783 2,753 3,117 3,132 5,994 U
Rail, total 2,419 1,072 (R) 540 (R) 781 (R) 903 (R) 816 (R) 844 1,043 (R) 1,016 (R) 1,154 (R) 1,100 (R) 445 (R) 767 (R) 737 U
Federal 2,395 1,057 534 779 900 811 833 1,034 1,006 1,138 1,079 428 (R) 760 722 1,296
State and local 23 15 (R) 6 (R) 1 (R) 3 (R) 5 12 9 (R) 10 (R) 16 (R) 21 (R) 17 (R) 7 (R) 15 U
Pipeline, totalb RZ 8 26 28 32 34 38 45 U U U U U U U
Federal RZ RZ 9 9 12 14 16 21 33 31 34 34 36 29 43
State and local RZ 8 17 19 20 20 22 24 U U U U U U U
General support, totalc (R) 183 187 191 270 286 337 394 394 384 322 241 (R) 266 (R) 259 (R) 364 248
Federal / general support (R) 183 187 191 270 286 337 394 394 384 322 241 (R) 266 (R) 259 (R) 364 248

KEY: R = revised; RZ = no activity or a value of zero; U = data are not available.

a Data for 1980, 1985 and 1990-2001 have been revised due to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB)'s revision to the source data on federal expenditure and federal grants.

b Includes gas and liquid pipeline.

c General support represents administrative and operating expenditures of the U.S. Department of Transportation, the Interstate Commerce Commission (terminated at the end of 1995), and the National Transportation Safety Board.


Numbers may not add to totals due to rounding.

Numbers for state and local expenditures from own funds were calculated by deducting federal grants from state and local expenditures that included federal grants.


1980: U.S. Department of Transportation, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, unpublished data.

1985–2002: U.S. Department of Transportation, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, Government Transportation Financial Statistics 2002 (Washington, DC: forthcoming).