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      Bell    |    Bruden    |    Bulkow    |    Butler    

      Hennessy    |    Hurlburt
      McMahon    |    Miernyk
      Parkinson    |    Petersen
      Reasonover    |    Rudolph

To order a copy of any of listed publications, call (907) 729-3400 or (800) 699-0767 and provide the year and title as part of your request.

Publications are listed in alphabetical order by author's last name. Multiple authors will list publication under each name appearing in author list.

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Bell, A.              Top of page

Parkinson AJ, Bell AA, Butler JC.
International circumpolar surveillance of infectious diseases; monitoring community health in the Arctic.
Int J Circumpolar Health 1999;58:222-225.

Top of page

Bruden, D.              Top of page

Hennessy TW, Petersen KM, Bruden D, Parkinson AJ, Hurlburt D, Getty M, Schwartz B, Butler JC.
Changes in antibiotic prescribing practices and carriage of penicillin-resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae: a controlled intervention trial in rural Alaska.
Clin Infect Dis 2002; 34:1543-1550.

Hennessy TW, Bruden D, Petersen KM, Parkinson AJ, Hurlburt D, Getty M, Butler JC, Schwartz B.
Effect of high-dose amoxicillin on the prevalence of penicillin-resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae in rural Alaska.
JAMA 2002; 287:2078-2079.

Top of page

Bulkow, L.              Top of page

Bulkow LR, Singleton RJ, Karron RA, Harrison LH, the Alaska RSV Study Group.
Risk factors for severe respiratory syncytial virus Infection among Alaska Native children.
Pediatrics 2002;109(2):210-216.

Williams JL, Christensen CJ, McMahon BJ, Bulkow LR, Cagle HH, Mayers JS, Zanis CL, Parkinson AJ, Margolis HS.
Evaluation of the response to a booster dose of hepatitis B vaccine in previously immunized healthcare workers.
Vaccine 2001;19:4081-4085

McMahon BJ, Holck P, Bulkow L, Snowball M.
Serologic and clinical outcomes of 1536 Alaska Natives chronically infected with hepatitis B virus.
Ann Intern Med 2001;135(9):759-768.

Rudolph KM, Parkinson AJ, Reasonover AL, Bulkow LR, Parks DJ, Butler JC.
Serotype distribution and antimicrobial resistance patterns of invasive isolates of Streptococcus pneumoniae: Alaska, 1991-1998.
J Infect Dis 2000;182:490-496.

Singleton R, Bulkow LR, Levine OS, Butler JC, Hennessy TW, Parkinson AJ.
Experience with the prevention of invasive Haemophilus influenzae type b disease by vaccination in Alaska: the impact of persistent oropharyngeal carriage.
J Pediatr 2000;137(3):313-320.

Harpaz R, McMahon BJ, Margolis HS, Shapiro CN, Havron D, Carpenter G, Bulkow LR, Wainwright RB.
Elimination of new chronic hepatitis B virus infections: results of the Alaska immunization program.
J Infect Dis 2000;181:413-418.

Perdue DG, Bulkow LR, Gellin BG, Davidson M, Petersen KM, Singleton RJ, Parkinson AJ.
Invasive Haemophilus influenzae disease in Alaskan residents aged 10 years and older before and after infant vaccination programs.
JAMA 2000;283(23):3089-3094.

Singleton R, Morris A, Redding G, Poll J, Holck P, Martinez P, Kruse D, Bulkow LR, Petersen KM, Lewis C.
Bronchiectasis in Alaska Native children: causes and clinical courses.
Pediatr Pulmonol 2000;29:182-187.

McMahon BJ, Bulkow L, Harpster A, Snowball M, Lanier A, Sacco F, Dunaway E, Williams J.
Screening for hepatocellular carcinoma in Alaska Natives infected with chronic hepatitis B: a 16-year population-based study.
Hepatology 2000;32(4):842-846.

Parkinson AJ, Gold BD, Bulkow L, Wainwright RB, Swaminathan B, Khanna B, Petersen KM, Fitzgerald MA.
High prevalence of Helicobacter pylori in the Alaska Native population and association with low serum ferritin levels in young adults.
Clin Diagn Lab Immunol 2000;7:885-888.

Miernyk KM, Parkinson AJ, Rudolph KM, Petersen KM, Bulkow LR, Greenberg DP, Ward JI, Brenneman G, Reid R, Santosham M.
Immunogenicity of a heptavalent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine in Apache and Navajo Indian, Alaska Native, and non-Native American children aged <2 years.
Clin Infect Dis 2000;31:34-41.

Karron RA, Singleton RJ, Bulkow L, Parkinson A, Kruse D, DeSmet I, Indorf C, Petersen KM, Leombruno D, Hurlburt D, Santosham M, Harrison LH for the RSV Alaska Study Group.
Severe respiratory syncytial virus disease in Alaska Native children.
J Infect Dis 1999;180:41-49.

Singleton R, Bulkow LR, Levine OS, Carlone GM, Pais L, Parkinson AJ.
Enhanced immunogenicity of a sequential Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccine schedule in Alaska Native infants.
Pediatr Infect Dis J 1999;18(11):1023-1024.

Galil K, Singleton R, Levine OS, Fitzgerald MA, Bulkow L, Getty M, Perkins BA, Parkinson A.
Reemergence of invasive Haemophilus influenzae type b disease in a well-vaccinated population in remote Alaska.
J Infect Dis 1999;179:101-106.

Parkinson AJ, Cuthbert M, Bulkow L, Davidson M, Petersen K, Clift S.
Bacterial pathogens in chronic otitis media with effusion in Alaska Medicine.
Alaska Med 1999:27-33.

Wainwright RB, Bulkow LR, McMahon BJ, Parkinson AJ.
Increases in levels of antibody to hepatitis B surface antigen in an immunized population.
Clinic Infect Dis 1998;26:933-7.

Kesler K, Nasenbenny J, Wainwright RB, McMahon BJ, Bulkow L.
Immune responses of prematurely born infants to hepatitis B vaccination: results through three years of age.
Pediatr Infect Dis J 1998;17:116-9.

Nobmann ED, Ebbesson SOE, White RB, Schraer DC, Lanier AP, Bulkow LR.
Dietary intakes among Siberian Yupiks of Alaska and implications for cardiovascular disease.
Internat J Circumpolar Health. 1998;57:4-17.

Wainwright RB, Bulkow LR, Parkinson AJ, Zanis C, McMahon BJ.
Protection provided by hepatitis B vaccine in a Yupik Eskimo population -- results of a 10-year study.
J Infect Dis 1997;175:674-7.

Murphy NJ, Schraer CD, Theile MC, Boyko EJ, Bulkow LR, Doty BJ, Lanier AP.
Hypertension in Alaska Natives: association with overweight, glucose intolerance, diet, and mechanized activity.
Ethnicity and Health 1997;2:267-275.

Mahon BJ, Williams J, Bulkow L, Mayer J, Tanttila H, Beller M, Schloss M.
Control of an outbreak of hepatitis A by using an inactivated hepatitis A vaccine.
In: Rizzetto M, Purcell RH, Gerin JL, eds. Viral Hepatitis and Liver Disease. Turin, Italy: Edizioni Minerva Medica;1997, pp925-927.

McMahon BJ, Beller M, Williams J, Schloss M, Tanttila H, Bulkow LR.
A program to control an outbreak of hepatitis A in Alaska by using an inactivated hepatitis A vaccine.
Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 1996;150:733-739.

Petersen KM, Parkinson AJ, Nobmann ED, Bulkow LR, Yip R, Mokdad A.
Iron deficiency anemia among Alaska Natives may be due to fecal loss rather then inadequate intake.
J Nutrition 1996;126:2774-2783.

Top of page

Butler, J.              Top of page

Chiou LA, Hennessy TW, Horn A, Carter G, Butler JC.
Botulism among Alaska Natives in the Bristol Bay area of Southwest Alaska: a survey of knowledge, attitudes, and practices related to fermented foods known to cause botulism.
Int J Circumpolar Health 2002; 61:50-60.

Ray GT, Butler JC, Black SB, Shinefield HR, Fireman BH, Lieu TA.
The observed costs and health care use of children in a randomized controlled trial of pneumococcal conjugate vaccine.
Pediatr Infect Dis J 2002; 21:361-365.

Hennessy TW, Petersen KM, Bruden D, Parkinson AJ, Hurlburt D, Getty M, Schwartz B, Butler JC.
Changes in antibiotic prescribing practices and carriage of penicillin-resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae: a controlled intervention trial in rural Alaska.
Clin Infect Dis 2002; 34:1543-1550.

Hennessy TW, Bruden D, Petersen KM, Parkinson AJ, Hurlburt D, Getty M, Butler JC, Schwartz B.
Effect of high-dose amoxicillin on the prevalence of penicillin-resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae in rural Alaska.
JAMA 2002; 287:2078-2079.

Gimenez-Sanchez F, Butler JC, Jernigan DB, Strausbaugh LJ, Slemp CC, Perilla MJ, Dowell SF.
Treating cardiovascular disease with antimicrobial agents: a survey of knowledge, attitudes, and practices among physicians in the United States.
Clin Infect Dis 2001;33:171-176.

Butler JC, Santosham M, Cheek JE, Leach AJ, Lennon D, O'Brien K, Crengle S.
Emerging infectious diseases among indigenous peoples.
Emerg Infect Dis 2001;7:554-555.

Whitney CG, Schaffner W, Butler JC.
Rethinking recommendations for use of pneumococcal vaccines in adults.
Clin Infect Dis 2001;33:662-675.

Butler JC, Fukuda K, Breiman RF.
Prevention of community-acquired pneumonia: influenza and pneumococcal vaccines.
In: Marrie TJ, ed. Community-Acquired Pneumonia. New York, NY: Plenum Publishing Corp.;2001, pp221-238.

Rudolph KM, Parkinson AJ, Reasonover AL, Bulkow LR, Parks DJ, Butler JC.
Serotype distribution and antimicrobial resistance patterns of invasive isolates of Streptococcus pneumoniae: Alaska, 1991-1998.
J Infect Dis 2000;182:490-496.

Singleton R, Bulkow LR, Levine OS, Butler JC, Hennessy TW, Parkinson AJ.
Experience with the prevention of invasive Haemophilus influenzae type b disease by vaccination in Alaska: the impact of persistent oropharyngeal carriage.
J Pediatr 2000;137(3):313-320.

Butler JC.
Epidemiology of pneumococcal serotypes and conjugate vaccine formulations.
In: Tomasz A, ed. Streptococcus pneumoniae: Molecular Biology & Mechanisms of Disease. New York, NY: Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. 2000, pp479-484.

Hennessy TW, Singleton RJ, Butler JC.
Respiratory syncytial virus: current status and hope for the future.
Alaska Med 1999;Vol.41(4):86-93.

Lucher LA, Singleton R, Parkinson AJ, Butler JC.
The challenge of ongoing Haemophilus influenzae type b carriage and transmission in Alaska.
Alaska Med 1999;41(3):61-68.

Butler JC, Parkinson AJ, Funk E, Beller M, Hayes G, Hughes JM.
Emerging infectious diseases in Alaska and the Arctic: a review and strategy for the 21st century.
Alaska Med 1999;41(2):35-43.

Butler JC, Schuchat A.
Epidemiology of pneumococcal infections in the elderly.
Drugs & Aging 1999;15 Suppl 1:11-19.

Butler JC, Cetron MS.
Pneumococcal drug resistance: the new “Special enemy of old age”.
Clin Infect Dis 1999;28:730-735.

Breiman RF, Butler JC, McInnes PM.
Vaccines to prevent respiratory infection: opportunities on the near and far horizon.
Curr Opin Infect Dis 1999;12:145-152.

Parkinson AJ, Bell AA, Butler JC.
International circumpolar surveillance of infectious diseases; monitoring community health in the Arctic.
Int J Circumpolar Health 1999;58:222-225.

Top of page

Chiou, L.              Top of page

Chiou LA, Hennessy TW, Horn A, Carter G, Butler JC.
Botulism among Alaska Natives in the Bristol Bay area of Southwest Alaska: a survey of knowledge, attitudes, and practices related to fermented foods known to cause botulism.
Int J Circumpolar Health 2002; 61:50-60.

Top of page

Getty, M.              Top of page

Hennessy TW, Petersen KM, Bruden D, Parkinson AJ, Hurlburt D, Getty M, Schwartz B, Butler JC.
Changes in antibiotic prescribing practices and carriage of penicillin-resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae: a controlled intervention trial in rural Alaska.
Clin Infect Dis 2002; 34:1543-1550.

Hennessy TW, Bruden D, Petersen KM, Parkinson AJ, Hurlburt D, Getty M, Butler JC, Schwartz B.
Effect of high-dose amoxicillin on the prevalence of penicillin-resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae in rural Alaska.
JAMA 2002; 287:2078-2079.

Galil K, Singleton R, Levine OS, Fitzgerald MA, Bulkow L, Getty M, Perkins BA, Parkinson A.
Reemergence of invasive Haemophilus influenzae type b disease in a well-vaccinated population in remote Alaska.
J Infect Dis 1999;179:101-106.

Top of page

Hennessy, T.              Top of page

Chiou LA, Hennessy TW, Horn A, Carter G, Butler JC.
Botulism among Alaska Natives in the Bristol Bay area of Southwest Alaska: a survey of knowledge, attitudes, and practices related to fermented foods known to cause botulism.
Int J Circumpolar Health 2002; 61:50-60.

Hennessy TW, Petersen KM, Bruden D, Parkinson AJ, Hurlburt D, Getty M, Schwartz B, Butler JC.
Changes in antibiotic prescribing practices and carriage of penicillin-resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae: a controlled intervention trial in rural Alaska.
Clin Infect Dis 2002; 34:1543-1550.

Hennessy TW, Bruden D, Petersen KM, Parkinson AJ, Hurlburt D, Getty M, Butler JC, Schwartz B.
Effect of high-dose amoxicillin on the prevalence of penicillin-resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae in rural Alaska.
JAMA 2002; 287:2078-2079.

Singleton R, Bulkow LR, Levine OS, Butler JC, Hennessy TW, Parkinson AJ.
Experience with the prevention of invasive Haemophilus influenzae type b disease by vaccination in Alaska: the impact of persistent oropharyngeal carriage.
J Pediatr 2000;137(3):313-320.

Hennessy TW, Singleton RJ, Butler JC.
Respiratory syncytial virus: current status and hope for the future.
Alaska Med 1999;Vol.41(4):86-93.

Top of page

Hurlburt, D.              Top of page

Hennessy TW, Petersen KM, Bruden D, Parkinson AJ, Hurlburt D, Getty M, Schwartz B, Butler JC.
Changes in antibiotic prescribing practices and carriage of penicillin-resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae: a controlled intervention trial in rural Alaska.
Clin Infect Dis 2002; 34:1543-1550.

Hennessy TW, Bruden D, Petersen KM, Parkinson AJ, Hurlburt D, Getty M, Butler JC, Schwartz B.
Effect of high-dose amoxicillin on the prevalence of penicillin-resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae in rural Alaska.
JAMA 2002; 287:2078-2079.

Karron RA, Singleton RJ, Bulkow L, Parkinson A, Kruse D, DeSmet I, Indorf C, Petersen KM, Leombruno D, Hurlburt D, Santosham M, Harrison LH for the RSV Alaska Study Group.
Severe respiratory syncytial virus disease in Alaska Native children.
J Infect Dis 1999;180:41-49.

Top of page

McMahon, B.              Top of page

Williams JL, Christensen CJ, McMahon BJ, Bulkow LR, Cagle HH, Mayers JS, Zanis CL, Parkinson AJ, Margolis HS.
Evaluation of the response to a booster dose of hepatitis B vaccine in previously immunized healthcare workers.
Vaccine 2001;19:4081-4085

McMahon BJ, Holck P, Bulkow L, Snowball M.
Serologic and clinical outcomes of 1536 Alaska Natives chronically infected with hepatitis B virus.
Ann Intern Med 2001;135(9):759-768.

Lok AS, McMahon BJ.
Chronic hepatitis B. AASLD Practice Guidelines.
Hepatology 2001;34(6):1225-1241.

Harpaz R, McMahon BJ, Margolis HS, Shapiro CN, Havron D, Carpenter G, Bulkow LR, Wainwright RB.
Elimination of new chronic hepatitis B virus infections: results of the Alaska immunization program.
J Infect Dis 2000;181:413-418.

McMahon BJ, Bulkow L, Harpster A, Snowball M, Lanier A, Sacco F, Dunaway E, Williams J.
Screening for hepatocellular carcinoma in Alaska Natives infected with chronic hepatitis B: a 16-year population-based study.
Hepatology 2000;32(4):842-846.

Gandhi MJ, Yang GG, McMahon BJ, Vyas GN.
Hepatitis B virions isolated with antibodies to the pre-S1 domain reveal occult viremia by PCR in Alaska Native HBV carriers who have seroconverted.
Transfusion 2000;40:910-916.

Lavanchy D, McMahon B.
Worldwide prevalence and prevention of hepatitis C.
In: Gallin JI, Fauci AS, eds. Hepatitis C. San Diego, CA: Academic Press. 2000;10:185-201.

McMahon BJ, Parkinson AJ.
Clinical significance and management when antibody to hepatitis B core antigen is the sole marker for HBV infection.
Viral Hep 2000;6(1-4):229-239.

Chung YH, DiBescglie AM, McMahon BJ, Lanier AP, Harpster A, Alter MJ, Parkinson AJ, Zanis C.
Hepatocellular carcinoma not related to hepatitis B Virus Infection among Alaska Natives.
Int J Circumpolar Health 1999;581:208-214.

McMahon BJ, Parkinson AJ, Rudolph K, Davidson M, Grabman J.
Sepsis due to Streptococcus pneumoniae in a patient with alcoholism who received pneumococcal vaccine.
Clin Infect Dis 1999;28:1162-1163.

Wainwright RB, Bulkow LR, McMahon BJ, Parkinson AJ.
Increases in levels of antibody to hepatitis B surface antigen in an immunized population.
Clinic Infect Dis 1998;26:933-7.

Kesler K, Nasenbenny J, Wainwright RB, McMahon BJ, Bulkow L.
Immune responses of prematurely born infants to hepatitis B vaccination: results through three years of age.
Pediatr Infect Dis J 1998;17:116-9.

Silva AE, McMahon BJ, Parkinson AJ, Sjogren MH, Hoofnagle JH, DiBisceglie AM.
Hepatitis B virus DNA in persons with isolated antibody to hepatitis B core antigen who subsequently received hepatitis B vaccine.
Clinic Infect Dis 1998;26:895-7.

Keeffe E, McMahon BJ, Koff RS, Lindsay K, Manns M, Iwarson S, Baumgarten R, Wiese M, Krause DK, Fourneau M, Safary A, Clemens R.
Safety and immunogenicity of hepatitis A vaccine in patients with chronic liver disease.
Hepatology 1998;27:881-6.

Polyak SJ, McArdle S, Liu S-L, Sullivan DG, Chung M, Hofgartner WT, Carithers RL, McMahon BJ, Mullins JI, Corey L, Gretch DR.
Evolution of hepatitis C virus quasispecies in the hypervariable region 1 and the interferon sensitivity determining region during interferon therapy and natural infection.
J Virol 1998.

Wainwright RB, Bulkow LR, Parkinson AJ, Zanis C, McMahon BJ.
Protection provided by hepatitis B vaccine in a Yupik Eskimo population -- results of a 10-year study.
J Infect Dis 1997;175:674-7.

McMahon BJ, Williams J, Bulkow L, Mayer J, Tanttila H, Beller M, Schloss M.
Control of an outbreak of hepatitis A by using an inactivated hepatitis A vaccine.
In: Rizzetto M, Purcell RH, Gerin JL, eds. Viral Hepatitis and Liver Disease. Turin, Italy: Edizioni Minerva Medica;1997, pp925-927.

McMahon BJ.
Hepatocellular carcinoma and viral hepatitis.
In: Wilson R, ed. Viral Hepatitis: Diagnosis, Treatment, Prevention. New York, NY; Marcel Dekker.;1997;10:pp315-330.

McMahon BJ, Mandsager R, Wainwright K, Wainwright RB, Williams J, Singleton R.
The Alaska Native hepatitis B control program.
In: Rizzetto M, Purcell RH, Gerin JL, eds. Viral Hepatitis and Liver Disease. Turin, Italy: Edizioni Minerva Medica;1997, pp702-704.

McMahon BJ, Beller M, Williams J, Schloss M, Tanttila H, Bulkow LR.
A program to control an outbreak of hepatitis A in Alaska by using an inactivated hepatitis A vaccine.
Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 1996;150:733-739.

Parkinson AJ, McMahon BJ, Zanis L, Wainwright RB.
Detection of alpha-fetoprotein and hepatitis B surface antigen in blood spotted on filter paper: use as a screen for hepatocellular carcinoma in Alaska Natives.
Arct Med Research 1996;55:123-128.

Top of page

Miernyk, K.              Top of page

Miernyk KM, Parkinson AJ, Rudolph KM, Petersen KM, Bulkow LR, Greenberg DP, Ward JI, Brenneman G, Reid R, Santosham M.
Immunogenicity of a heptavalent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine in Apache and Navajo Indian, Alaska Native, and non-Native American children aged <2 years.
Clin Infect Dis 2000;31:34-41.

Top of page

Parkinson, A.              Top of page

Hennessy TW, Petersen KM, Bruden D, Parkinson AJ, Hurlburt D, Getty M, Schwartz B, Butler JC.
Changes in antibiotic prescribing practices and carriage of penicillin-resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae: a controlled intervention trial in rural Alaska.
Clin Infect Dis 2002; 34:1543-1550.

Hennessy TW, Bruden D, Petersen KM, Parkinson AJ, Hurlburt D, Getty M, Butler JC, Schwartz B.
Effect of high-dose amoxicillin on the prevalence of penicillin-resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae in rural Alaska.
JAMA 2002; 287:2078-2079.

Kersulyte D, Velapatino B, Dailide G, Mukhopadhyay AK, Ito Y, Cahuayme L, Parkinson AJ, Gilman RH, Berg DE.
Transposable element ISHp608 of Helicobacter pylori: nonrandom geographic distribution, functional organization, and insertion specificity.
J Bacteriol 2002;184(4):992-1002.

Williams JL, Christensen CJ, McMahon BJ, Bulkow LR, Cagle HH, Mayers JS, Zanis CL, Parkinson AJ, Margolis HS.
Evaluation of the response to a booster dose of hepatitis B vaccine in previously immunized healthcare workers.
Vaccine 2001;19:4081-4085

Rudolph KM, Parkinson AJ, Roberts MC.
Mechanisms of erythromycin and trimethoprim resistance in the Alaskan Streptococcus pneumoniae serotype 6B clone.
J Antimicrob Chemother 2001;48:315-329.

Miernyk KM, Parkinson AJ, Rudolph KM, Petersen KM, Bulkow LR, Greenberg DP, Ward JI, Brenneman G, Reid R, Santosham M.
Immunogenicity of a heptavalent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine in Apache and Navajo Indian, Alaska Native, and non-Native American children aged <2 years.
Clin Infect Dis 2000;31:34-41.

McMahon BJ, Parkinson AJ.
Clinical significance and management when antibody to hepatitis B core antigen is the sole marker for HBV infection.
Viral Hep 2000;6(1-4):229-239.

Singleton R, Bulkow LR, Levine OS, Butler JC, Hennessy TW, Parkinson AJ.
Experience with the prevention of invasive Haemophilus influenzae type b disease by vaccination in Alaska: the impact of persistent oropharyngeal carriage.
J Pediatr 2000;137(3):313-320.

Rudolph KM, Parkinson AJ, Reasonover AL, Bulkow LR, Parks DJ, Butler JC.
Serotype distribution and antimicrobial resistance patterns of invasive isolates of Streptococcus pneumoniae: Alaska, 1991-1998.
J Infect Dis 2000;182:490-496.

Perdue DG, Bulkow LR, Gellin BG, Davidson M, Petersen KM, Singleton RJ, Parkinson AJ.
Invasive Haemophilus influenzae disease in Alaskan residents aged 10 years and older before and after infant vaccination programs.
JAMA 2000;283(23):3089-3094.

Parkinson AJ, Gold BD, Bulkow L, Wainwright RB, Swaminathan B, Khanna B, Petersen KM, Fitzgerald MA.
High prevalence of Helicobacter pylori in the Alaska Native population and association with low serum ferritin levels in young adults.
Clin Diagn Lab Immunol 2000;7:885-888.

Chung YH, DiBescglie AM, McMahon BJ, Lanier AP, Harpster A, Alter MJ, Parkinson AJ, Zanis C.
Hepatocellular carcinoma not related to hepatitis B Virus Infection among Alaska Natives.
Int J Circumpolar Health 1999;581:208-214.

McMahon BJ, Parkinson AJ, Rudolph K, Davidson M, Grabman J.
Sepsis due to Streptococcus pneumoniae in a patient with alcoholism who received pneumococcal vaccine.
Clin Infect Dis 1999;28:1162-1163.

Karron RA, Singleton RJ, Bulkow L, Parkinson A, Kruse D, DeSmet I, Indorf C, Petersen KM, Leombruno D, Hurlburt D, Santosham M, Harrison LH for the RSV Alaska Study Group.
Severe respiratory syncytial virus disease in Alaska Native children.
J Infect Dis 1999;180:41-49.

Lucher LA, Singleton R, Parkinson AJ, Butler JC.
The challenge of ongoing Haemophilus influenzae type b carriage and transmission in Alaska.
Alaska Med 1999;41(3):61-68.

Singleton R, Bulkow LR, Levine OS, Carlone GM, Pais L, Parkinson AJ.
Enhanced immunogenicity of a sequential Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccine schedule in Alaska Native infants.
Pediatr Infect Dis J 1999;18(11):1023-1024.

Galil K, Singleton R, Levine OS, Fitzgerald MA, Bulkow L, Getty M, Perkins BA, Parkinson A.
Reemergence of invasive Haemophilus influenzae type b disease in a well-vaccinated population in remote Alaska.
J Infect Dis 1999;179:101-106.

Parkinson AJ, Cuthbert M, Bulkow L, Davidson M, Petersen K, Clift S.
Bacterial pathogens in chronic otitis media with effusion in Alaska Medicine.
Alaska Med 1999:27-33.

Butler JC, Parkinson AJ, Funk E, Beller M, Hayes G, Hughes JM.
Emerging infectious diseases in Alaska and the Arctic: a review and strategy for the 21st century.
Alaska Med 1999;41(2):35-43.

Parkinson AJ, Bell AA, Butler JC.
International circumpolar surveillance of infectious diseases; monitoring community health in the Arctic.
Int J Circumpolar Health 1999;58:222-225.

Rudolph KM, Crain MJ, Parkinson AJ, Roberts MC.
Characterizations of a multidrug-resistant clone of invasive Streptococcus pneumoniae serotype 6B in Alaska using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis and PspA serotyping.
J Infect Dis 1999;180:1577-1583.

Wainwright RB, Bulkow LR, McMahon BJ, Parkinson AJ.
Increases in levels of antibody to hepatitis B surface antigen in an immunized population.
Clinic Infect Dis 1998;26:933-7.

Silva AE, McMahon BJ, Parkinson AJ, Sjogren MH, Hoofnagle JH, DiBisceglie AM.
Hepatitis B virus DNA in persons with isolated antibody to hepatitis B core antigen who subsequently received hepatitis B vaccine.
Clinic Infect Dis 1998;26:895-7.

Rudolph KM, Parkinson AJ, Roberts MC.
Molecular analysis by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis and antibiogram of Streptococcus pneumoniae serotype 6B isolates from selected areas within the United States.
J Clinic Microbiol 1998;36:2703-7.

Wainwright RB, Bulkow LR, Parkinson AJ, Zanis C, McMahon BJ.
Protection provided by hepatitis B vaccine in a Yupik Eskimo population -- results of a 10-year study.
J Infect Dis 1997;175:674-7.

Yip R, Limberg PJ, Alquist DA, Carpenter HA, O'Neill A, Kruse D, Stitham S, Gold BD, Gunter EW, Looker AC, Parkinson AJ, Nobmann ED, Petersen KM, Ellefson M, Schwartz S.
Pervasive occult gastrointestinal bleeding in an Alaska Native population with prevalent iron deficiency: role of Helicobacter pylori gastritis.
JAMA 1997;277:1135-9.

Parkinson AJ, Fitzgerald MA.
Measurement of antimicrobial susceptibility among invasive isolates of Streptococcus pneumoniae: comparison of the Etest with the standard agar dilution method.
Alaska Med 1997;39:3-7.

Parkinson AJ, McMahon BJ, Zanis L, Wainwright RB.
Detection of alpha-fetoprotein and hepatitis B surface antigen in blood spotted on filter paper: use as a screen for hepatocellular carcinoma in Alaska Natives.
Arct Med Research 1996;55:123-128.

Petersen KM, Parkinson AJ, Nobmann ED, Bulkow LR, Yip R, Mokdad A.
Iron deficiency anemia among Alaska Natives may be due to fecal loss rather then inadequate intake.
J Nutrition 1996;126:2774-2783.

Gottstein B, Bettens F, Parkinson AJ, Wilson F.
Immunologic parameters associated with susceptibility or resistance to alveolar hydatid disease in Yupiks/Inupiats.
Arct Med Research 1996;55:14-19.

Ussery XT, Gessner BD, Lipman H, Elliott JA, Crain MJ, Tien PC, Parkinson AJ, Davidson M, Facklam RR, Breiman RF.
Risk factors for nasopharyngeal carriage of resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae and detection of a multiply resistant clone among children living in the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta region of Alaska.
Pediatr Infect Dis J 1996;15:986-992.

Top of page

Petersen, K.              Top of page

Hennessy TW, Petersen KM, Bruden D, Parkinson AJ, Hurlburt D, Getty M, Schwartz B, Butler JC.
Changes in antibiotic prescribing practices and carriage of penicillin-resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae: a controlled intervention trial in rural Alaska.
Clin Infect Dis 2002; 34:1543-1550.

Hennessy TW, Bruden D, Petersen KM, Parkinson AJ, Hurlburt D, Getty M, Butler JC, Schwartz B.
Effect of high-dose amoxicillin on the prevalence of penicillin-resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae in rural Alaska.
JAMA 2002; 287:2078-2079.

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