New England Field Office
Conserving the nature of New England

Federal Activities
Wind Energy

The New England Field Office is actively involved in the review of proposed wind energy projects in Vermont, New Hampshire and Massachusetts and provides comments as a cooperating agency under the National Environmental Policy Act, consults under section 7 of the Endangered Species Act and provides technical assistance on wind power projects. For projects which affect wetlands or waterways, the New England Field Office may provide comments to the Corps under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act or Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act. Finally, for those projects on the outer continental shelf, the Service provides advice and comments to the Minerals Management Service.

New England Field Office staff are actively involved with state and other partners in developing and reviewing potential research or study techniques related to bird and bat migration in New England in order to assess the potential risks to these species from wind power development along ridge lines and off the coast.

Helpful links:


image of wind turpine





Last updated: December 4, 2008