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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

A Guide to Developing a TB Program Evaluation Plan

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Appendix B

Writing SMART Objectives

In order to be most effective, objectives should be clear and leave no room for interpretation. S-M-A-R-T is a helpful acronym for developing objectives that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound.  

An example of an S-M-A-R-T objective for TB is: 

In County X, increase the percentage of adult patients with non-rifampin -resistant TB who complete treatment in less than 12 months (as measured by cohort review) from 80% to 90% (the national goal).

The objective is specific because it identifies a defined event: adult TB patients will complete treatment in less than 12 months. The objective is measurable because it specifies a baseline value and the quantity of change the intervention is designed to achieve: from 80% to 90%. As in the example, it is worthwhile to note whether there is an existing data source for the objective. The objective is achievable because it is realistic given the 10-year time frame. The objective is also relevant because it relates to the elimination of exposure to non-resistant TB. Finally, the objective is time-bound because it provides a specified time frame by which the objective will be achieved.

A Tool to help write SMART objective

Objective Increase percentage of adult patients with non-resistant TB who completed therapy (within 12 mos.) from 80% to 90% by 2006.
Breakdown Verb Metric Population Object Baseline
Increase Percent Adult patients with non-resistant TB Completion of therapy (w/in 12 mos.) 80% 90% By 2006


Last Reviewed: 05/18/2008
Content Source: Division of Tuberculosis Elimination
National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention


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