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VA National Clinical Public Health Programs — HIV/AIDS

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Drug Dosing Toolkit

Fuzeon (enfuvirtide, T-20)

Type of Drug: Fusion Inhibitor

Approved adult dosing

90 mg (in 1 mL solution) injection

one injection under the skin, two times a day

  • Morning



  • Evening



My doctor's instructions

Notes on taking this medication

  • One vial contains a white powder, which is the medication (Fuzeon); another vial contains sterile water; withdraw the water with a syringe and mix into the vial with the Fuzeon
  • You can prepare both doses at the same time, but should store the second vial in a refrigerator for use later on the same day
  • Keep uncapped vial tops, syringes, and your hands clean while preparing Fuzeon
  • Draw Fuzeon solution into the syringe only when you are ready to inject
  • Rotate injection sites for each injection
  • Never inject Fuzeon into a vein or muscle

Side effects

  • At injection site: redness; pain or tenderness; swelling; bumps; hardening of skin
  • Very rare serious allergic reactions: symptoms include trouble breathing; fever with vomiting and rash; swollen feet