Welcome to DeployMed ResearchLINK

This web site, DeployMed ResearchLINK, was established as part of FHP&R's Health Science and Force Optimization (HS&FO) mission to inform Service members, researchers & health care providers, leaders, and interested others about DoD and other federally funded research on deployment-related health issues. DeployMed ResearchLINK presents information on deployment medical research conducted and supported by federal research programs within DoD, VA, and HHS. The purpose of this web site is to be a central resource of information on federally funded medical research related to deployments from the 1990-91 Gulf War forward.

The contents of DeployMed ResearchLINK will continue to be updated as information on new deployment-related research becomes available. A concise outline of the breadth of information on this web site is provided in the Summary of Research Information section.
For a brief introduction to DeployMed ResearchLINK, please choose a section below. For those familiar with this web site, proceed with your search utilizing any of the links on this page.

Service Members Researchers & Health Care Providers Leaders
The following are recent publications of interest.

  Hoge C W, McGurk D , Thomas J L, Cox A L, Engel C C, Castro C A. Mild traumatic brain injury in U.S. Soldiers returning from Iraq. N Engl J Med.2008;358:453-63.

  Murphy D , Hotopf M , Wessely S . Multiple vaccinations, health, and recall bias within UK armed forces deployed to Iraq: cohort study. BMJ.2008;337:a220.

  Ryan M A, Smith T C, Sevick C J, Honner W K, Loach R A, Moore C A, Erickson J D. Birth Defects among Infants Born to Women Who Received Anthrax Vaccine in Pregnancy. Am J Epidemiol.2008;Epub ahead of print.

  Smith T C, Ryan M A, Wingard D L, Slymen D J, Sallis J F, Kritz-Silverstein D , The Millennium Cohort Study Team . New onset and persistent symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder self reported after deployment and combat exposures: prospective population based US military cohort study. BMJ.2008;336:366-71.

  Vasterling J J, Schumm J , Proctor S P, Gentry E , King D W, King L A. Posttraumatic stress disorder and health functioning in a non-treatment-seeking sample of Iraq war veterans: A prospective analysis. J Rehabil Res Dev.2008;45:347-58.

  Warner C H, Appenzeller G N, Mullen K , Warner C M, Grieger T . Soldier attitudes toward mental health screening and seeking care upon return from combat. Mil Med.2008;173:563-9.

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DeployMed ResearchLINK was last updated on 2008-10-03