Press Releases 2007


FY 2008 Consolidated Appropriations Act
- Press Release
- Bill Text and Explanatory Statements

Filling Holes: The President's Budget v. The


Detailed Summaries by Subcommittee

Commerce, Justice, Science
Energy and Water Development
Financial Services
Homeland Security
Interior and the Environment
Labor, Health and Education
Legislative Branch
Military Construction and Veterans Affairs
State and Foreign Operations
Transportation, Housing and Urban Development

Obey: Iraq, Appropriations, and the Need for Compromise


Obey: A Plan for More than Stay The Course

The Labor-Health-Education Veto Override and The Specter of Splitting the
 Difference with the President's Budget


President Vetoes Labor, Health and Education Investments

Highlights: 2008 Transportation, Housing, and Urban Development Conference


Veterans Appropriations: FY 2008 Conference Report Highlights

Highlights: Defense Conference Report

Highlights: Continuing Resolution

Clear Differences: How the President and Congress Differ on Labor, Health and
 Update: Conference Report


Appropriations Committee Chairman’s Address at the National Press Club
 I renew my call for the Administration to sit down with us and work out reasonable

Appropriations Conference: Summary of the Priorities Package


Statement on Funding Request

How 2 Months Spending in Iraq Could Be Put to Better Use
 The President is trying to masquerade as fiscally responsible by manufacturing a fight over $22
 billion (roughly 2 months in Iraq) in investments that will make this a stronger and better
 country. Every day we’re going to bring you one specific example of how Congress and the
 President differ on appropriations.

Example 1: Healthcare Access

Example 2: Education

Example 3: Transportation Infrastructure and Job Creation

Example 4: Medical Research

Example 5: Law Enforcement
-Law Enforcement Fact Sheet

Example 6: Block Grants - Helping States and Communities Alleviate Poverty
 and Promote Economic Development

Example 7: Energy Independence & Global Warming

Obey Statement on War Funding
 "As Chairman of the Appropriations Committee I have no intention of reporting out of
 Committee anytime in this session of Congress any such request that simply serves to continue
 the status quo."


The Facts on Appropriations Bills: How this Congress Stacks Up


Appropriations: Changing America's Priorities
 What the 12 House Passed Bills Do

Summaries of FY 2008 House Passed Bills:


Commerce, Justice, Science


Energy and Water Development

Financial Services

Homeland Security

Interior and the Environment

Labor, Health and Education

Legislative Branch

Military Construction and Veterans Affairs

State and Foreign Operations

Transportation, Housing and Urban Development


Summary: FY 2008 Homeland Security Bill, Full Committee Markup


 Emergency Supplemental – HR 2206 2 Amendments

- Summary Chart of 2 Amendments
- Detailed Summary
- Obey’s Statement on the Package

Summary of the 2 Bill Supplemental Package
 U.S. Troop Readiness, Veterans’ Care, Katrina Recovery, and Iraq Accountability
 Appropriations Act, 2007 and Agricultural Disaster Assistance and Western States Emergency
 Unfinished Business Appropriations Act, 2007


Emergency Supplemental, HR 1591

- News Release
- Summary Chart
- Detailed Summary
- Iraq Language
- House Conferees


Summary of the Emergency War Supplemental
 Today the House Appropriations Committee approved the Emergency Wartime Supplemental.
 Floor consideration is expected next week.

Democratic Leaders Announce Iraq, Veterans Proposal
 Their proposal would: Redirect more resources to the war against al-Qaeda and the Taliban in
 Afghanistan, Attack the neglect of returning troops and veterans who are badly in need of
 healthcare, and Set a timeline for bringing the United States participation in Iraq’s civil war to
 an end.


The President’s Budget Request Good Ideas, Bad Ideas, and the Usual Phony



Joint Funding Resolution for FY07
 The $463.5 billion measure would complete work on last year’s appropriations bills.

Text of the Joint Funding Resolution

Summary of the Joint Funding Resolution

Senate, House Appropriations Set Subcommittee Plans for New Congress
 The House and Senate Appropriations Committees will each have 12 subcommittees, including
 a new Financial Services and General Government panel.  That new subcommittee will have
 jurisdiction over federal organizations such as the Treasury Department, the federal Judiciary,
 the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, and other related agencies.  The federal budget for
 the District of Columbia also will be part of this new subcommittee’s jurisdiction.

Senate, House Announce FY 2007 Plan
 After discussions with our colleagues, we have decided to dispose of the Republican budget
 leftovers by passing a year-long joint resolution. We will do our best to make whatever limited
 adjustments are possible within the confines of the Republican budget to address the nation's
 most important policy concerns.

 Press Releases 2008

 Press Releases 2006