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Wilderness Regulations

Recreation in the backcountry has boomed in recent years with visitors who are seeking solitude and adventure away from our normal fast paced lives. Many of us have favorite areas in wilderness which we like to return to when the opportunity arises. Unfortunately, some of these areas are being loved to death and may never be the same if we don't start to improve our backcountry ethics and skills. Leave No Trace techniques will help insure that a quality experience will be available to us and to future generations. To further limit impacts and help heal the wilderness, management has implemented regulations for visitor use in the Hells Canyon Wilderness.

Forest Service RegulationRegulations are identified by a small Forest Service shield.   The regulations are accompanied by Leave No Trace technique recommendations.  By knowing and applying the following techniques and regulations, you will be helping to preserve the beauty and solitude of America's Great Outdoors.

Forest Service Regulation Group Size: Entrance into the Hells Canyon Wilderness with a party of more than 8 people and/or 16 head of stock is prohibited. Large groups multiply impacts to the wilderness and disrupt the solitude of others.

Forest Service RegulationMotorized /Mechanized: All wheeled mechanisms (except wheelchairs) including motorized equipment, mechanized equipment, bicycles, wagons, carts, and wheelbarrows are prohibited. Mechanized forms of transportation are incompatible with primitive wilderness characteristics and the legal definition of wilderness.

Forest Service RegulationStock: Hitching or tethering of horses or other saddle or pack animal to trees at campsites except for the purposes of loading, unloading, saddling, and unsaddling. [36 CFR 261.58(aa)]. Feed: Only certified weed-free hay is allowed on National Forest lands in Idaho.

Forest Service RegulationAircraft: All aircraft landings (except at designated airstrips) and hangliders are prohibited. Wildlands are a place of solitude where motorized methods of travel do not belong.

Forest Service RegulationCommercial Activities: All commercial activities except oufitter-guides operating under permit are prohibited. Commercial gain through wilderness is incompatible with the legal and ethical definition of wilderness.

Forest Service RegulationStructures: Permanent structures are prohibited except for those of historical value.  Wilderness is to remain wild where no sign of man exists except that which is historical. 




Unnecessary impact in backcountry areas can be avoided by carefully preparing for your trip. Seek information about the area you plan to visit from Wilderness Managers. Purchase maps for the area and plan your route knowing how many days it will take you to travel and what experience level is required to achieve this goal. Prepare for your journey by selecting only the gear and food that is essential, repackage to lighten your load. Visit in small groups and avoid popular areas during times of high use. 


Trails are quickly eroded by cutting switchbacks. Walk and ride single file in the center of the main trail. Avoid making new or multiple trails. Report problems to the Forest Service.


When selecting that perfect camp spot remember that a good campsite is found, not made. Choose sites that are durable i.e. dry grass, sandy, or duffy areas well away from water, at least 200 feet. Before leaving camp erase all signs of your stay by picking up all traces of litter, removing structures like meat poles, and scattering campfire ashes.


Protect the water resource by washing at least 200 feet away from water sources using biodegradable soaps, and keeping food stuffs out of the lakes and streams. Dispose of human waste by burying in catholes 6-8" deep 200 feet away from water, camp, and trails. Cover and disguise the cathole. Toilet paper should be buried or packed out. 


Recreation in the backcountry has greatly increased, the natural appearance of many areas has been compromised by overuse of fires and an increasing demand for firewood. Stoves may be the best option for minimum-impact camping. If you choose to build a fire (where allowed), use an established fire ring if available, if not use a firepan, fire cloth, or build a mound fire. Collect only down and dead wood and burn it entirely. Clean unburned trash out of the fire ring and spread the ashes.


Pick up and pack out all of your litter. Begin by reducing litter at the source. While preparing for your trip, repackage food into reusable containers or zip-lock bags.


Practice your backcountry stock containment method at home before heading into the wilderness. Fit all equipment ahead of time to be sure it fits properly. Use animals that are fit, calm, and experienced. Minimize gear and food so only the minimum number of animals is taken.


The key to stock containment is to remember that more confinement can generally be equated to more impact and restless behavior. Use a portable electric fence, highline, hobbles, pickets, a temporary hitchline or allow your stock to free roam. A well fed, well watered horse that is allowed to roll and rinse off sweat will be more content and less apt to paw or dig.


Stock should spend the shortest amount of time possible in camp, only enough to load and unload. If you do tie up to trees while loading and unloading stock select a live tree at least 8" in diameter.


In some areas, forage is limited depending on the site and time of year, be prepared by bringing weed free feed (processed grains, pellets, pack cubes, weed free hay). To prevent the spread of weeds feed certified feed one day prior to your trip. 

* For more specific information on Leave No Trace, visit http://www.lnt.org/.



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