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Volume 11;  1895
Presidential Address: The Principles of Medical Climatology
S. E. Solly
Trans Am Climatolog Clin Assoc. 1895; 11: 1–8.
PMCID: PMC2526821
The Influence of Heredity Upon the Progress of Phthisis
S. E. Solly
Trans Am Climatolog Clin Assoc. 1895; 11: 9–27.
PMCID: PMC2526809
Recent Measures for the Prevention and Treatment of Tuberculosis
Guy Hinsdale
Trans Am Climatolog Clin Assoc. 1895; 11: 28–40.
PMCID: PMC2526814
The Early Recognition and the Climatic Treatment of Pulmonary Tuberculosis
H. B. Moore
Trans Am Climatolog Clin Assoc. 1895; 11: 41–46.
PMCID: PMC2526818
A Peep Into the Future, with Respect of Pathological-Anatomical Researches
Carl Ruedi
Trans Am Climatolog Clin Assoc. 1895; 11: 47–55.
PMCID: PMC2526825
Sunshine Statistics
Mark W. Harrington
Trans Am Climatolog Clin Assoc. 1895; 11: 56–66.
PMCID: PMC2526822
Atmospheric Temperatures During the Month of July
W. F. R. Phillips
Trans Am Climatolog Clin Assoc. 1895; 11: 67–73.
PMCID: PMC2526824
Clinical Results from the Use of Tuberculin and Its Modification Antiphthisin (Klebs) in Pulmonary Consumption
H. Longstreet Taylor
Trans Am Climatolog Clin Assoc. 1895; 11: 74–85.
PMCID: PMC2526827
The Transmission of Abnormal Sounds of Cardiac, Pericardiac, and Aortic Origin a Cause of Murmurs in the Subclavian Region
Roland G. Curtin
Trans Am Climatolog Clin Assoc. 1895; 11: 86–90.
PMCID: PMC2526806
Some Observations which Appear to Establish the Aërial Transportation of Malarial Germs
Richard C. Newton
Trans Am Climatolog Clin Assoc. 1895; 11: 91–111.
PMCID: PMC2526813
Two Factors Underlying Disease in New York City
Thomas Darlington, Jr.
Trans Am Climatolog Clin Assoc. 1895; 11: 112–119.
PMCID: PMC2526811
The Influence of Altitude Upon the Sexual Organs of Women
W. A. Jayne
Trans Am Climatolog Clin Assoc. 1895; 11: 120–124.
PMCID: PMC2526828
The Geographical Distribution of the Mineral Springs of the United States
A. C. Peale
Trans Am Climatolog Clin Assoc. 1895; 11: 125–135.
PMCID: PMC2526807
Is Cocaine an Enslaving Drug?
F. H. Bosworth
Trans Am Climatolog Clin Assoc. 1895; 11: 136–140.
PMCID: PMC2526808
A Case of Simple Serous Recurrent Pleural Effusion: Its Final Outcome
J. C. Mulhall
Trans Am Climatolog Clin Assoc. 1895; 11: 141–146.
PMCID: PMC2526826
A Case of Traumatic Cardiac Neurosis
J. C. Mulhall
Trans Am Climatolog Clin Assoc. 1895; 11: 147–150.
PMCID: PMC2526816
Syphilis as a Factor in Diseases of the Heart and Lungs
Leonard Weber
Trans Am Climatolog Clin Assoc. 1895; 11: 151–160.
PMCID: PMC2526819
Etiology and Treatment of Certain Kinds of Cough
Beverley Robinson
Trans Am Climatolog Clin Assoc. 1895; 11: 161–175.
PMCID: PMC2526810
Observations of Antitoxin in Diphtheria
John Winters Brannon
Trans Am Climatolog Clin Assoc. 1895; 11: 176–188.
PMCID: PMC2526823
Appendix. Report of the Committee Upon Health Resorts
Trans Am Climatolog Clin Assoc. 1895; 11: 189–231.
PMCID: PMC2526817
Journal Matter
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