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Telemedicine In The News

Doctors Go Digital
May 15, 2001
A new three-physician ear, nose and throat practice that has opted to use leading edge information technology to become the first practice in the nation to be "paperless." This integration of technology and healthcare has eliminated or reduced many of the inefficiencies and administrative bottlenecks that plague most doctor's offices; allowing the doctors to spend more time and energy on the practice of medicine.

Two Years of Medicare Reimbursement of Telemedicine: A Post-Mortem 
May 4, 2001
A new document on the Telemedicine Information Exchange's (TIE's) Legal Issues page shows the sad state of Medicare reimbursement for telemedicine. Two Years of HCFA Reimbursement for Telemedicine: A Post-Mortem is the result of research by TIE research associate, Glenn Wachter. He was able to retrieve some data on actual numbers for HCFA reimbursement of telemedicine for 1999-2000, with tables showing numbers for telemedicine reimbursement compared to total Medicare reimbursement.

Virtual Visits Aid Preemie Parents
December 12, 2000
Stephanie and Mark Bishop can visit their tiny premature daughter in the hospital, talk to her nurses and become fluent in the scary-sounding medical jargon that fills the neonatal intensive ...

Telemedicine Use Growing, But Slowly
July 24, 2000
An American Medical News Web indicating that the number of doctors and hospitals delivering care via telemedicine is likely to stay small until reimbursement issues and other obstacles are addressed.

Say 'Aaaaah' To Telemed 
July 3, 2000
Eight-year-old Hayley Clevenger lives in remote Hart, Texas. When she has an earache, she is usually checked by a pediatrician from Texas Tech's Health Sciences Center in Lubbock, 65 miles away. It isn't a long drive to the doctor, though. Hayley just goes to see school nurse Retta Knox, who looks in her ear with a standard otoscope-that's attached to a hand-held camera ... 

Telehome Care
April 5, 2000
An NBC news report regarding the growing acceptance and use of telemedicine for home health care. A technological advance is giving new meaning to the words "house call." Americans who need their health monitored regularly are finding a lifeline at the end of a phone line.

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