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Barriers Against Telemedicine

Barriers to Access
Access to affordable telecommunication is the major barrier to implementing telemedicine and teleheath projects in Rural America and especially Indian Lands. more...

Cultural Barriers
A major cultural barrier for distance education and medicine is the inability or hesitance by providers themselves to incorporate technology into service delivery. Once in place, however, many telemedicine applications are possible by adding peripherals such as an otoscope, dermasope, or electronic stethoscope. more...

Economic & Organizational Structure
IHS/tribal clinics recognized the immediate value of telehealth to cut travel costs for training or administrative meetings. Telemedicine, however, was viewed as a luxury and clinics cited structural reasons why use level was low. Two top reasons cited was high patient loads and staff turnover that kept them from learning and maintaining staff skills on equipment use. more...

Elimination of geographical isolation is a major barrier that telemedicine and telehealth touts as a major program benefit. This isolation relates both to the patient and the clinician. Patient transport decisions can be made quicker with more information. Pre and post operation services can be provided at the local end and eliminate trips to regional medical centers. The local on-site primary care provider can receive quick, efficiently guided consults that results in a faster treatment time and apply that knowledge when presented with similar symptoms. Access to continuing medical and community education, Grand Rounds and administration via distance provides major benefits by saving travel time and costs. more...


Hypothetical telemedicine transmission scenarios, from Alaska to a satallite in the sky, beamed down to IHS hospital and over to the desk of a physician


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