Recover Lost and Stolen Documents

Missing Historical Documents and Items

Civil War Documents from the National Archives, Organized by Author

John Adams

  • Document dated January 22, 1861, San Francisco, CA.
  • Document dated April 4, 1861, Fort Crook, H.Q.
  • Document dated May 31, 1861, Fort Crook, CA.

James Jay Archer

  • Document dated July 17, 1861, Fort Yamhill, Oregon.

Lewis A. Armistead

  • Letter dated September 1, 1859, relative to examination and settlement of company funds.
  • Letter to W. W. Mackall dated New San Diego, Cal., February 19, 1861, received February 24, requests certain explanations in reference to G.O. 22 War Dept. of 1859, and Dept. Orders No. 3 of 1861.
  • Letter to Commanding General dated New San Diego, Cal., February 20, 1861, received February 24, charges preferred against enlisted men of Armistead's command.
  • Letter to W. W. Mackall dated New San Diego, March 21, 1861, received March 25, in reference to troubles in Lower California, his action in the matter, and suggests that two pieces of artillery be sent to his post.
  • Letter to D.C. Buell, dated New San Diego, June 4, 1861, received June 14, encloses post return and requests copies of Dept. Order No. 4.

M. Bryant

  • Letter dated December 20 or 21, 1858, Benicia Depot, Proceedings of Board of Survey convened at Benecia Depot on December 21, pursuant to Department S.O. No. 33 C. Series, endorsed by R.B. Garnett.

Silas Casey

  • Letter dated January 14, 1861, requesting a leave of absence.

George Crook

  • Document dated December 26, 1857, CA.

George Armstrong Custer

  • Letter dated October 9, 1865, Weekly Station & Effective Force, Report of 2nd Cavalry Division [signature clipped].
  • Telegram dated October 18, 1865.
  • Document dated September 23, 1865, weekly station of effective force.
  • Document dated October 2, 1865, weekly station of effective force.
  • Document dated October 9, 1865, weekly station of effective force.

Jefferson Davis

  • Letter dated May 17, 1854, Reduce reservation Fort Dallas.
  • Letter to John Wool, dated May 30, 1854, approving expenditure to build stone house.
  • Letter dated Sept 3, 1856, Protection of public property.

John B. Floyd

  • Letter from Secretary of War (John B. Floyd) to the Department dated June 4, 1857, relative to the appointment of assistant surgeon.

Frankfort Arsenal

  • Rare 1862 Civil War Saddle Maker's Letter dated September 18, 1862.
  • Original Civil War Letter from Philadelphia Shot Tower [Thomas Sparks], dated July 9, 1862.
  • Original Civil War Saddle Maker's Letter dated October 21, 1862. View

J.W. Frayser

  • Letter dated August 31, 1857, Examination of company funds signed by R.S. Garnett.

Richard B. Garnett

  • Letter dated December 30, 1858, Proceedings of Board of Survey at Camp Battalion 6th Infantry.
  • Letter dated January 1, 1861, Benicia Barracks, Declines to turn over his company funds to the commissary at post in obedience to a circular to that effect from Department Headquarters.
  • Letter dated March 22, 1861, Benicia Barracks, Applies for the remission of the sentence in the case of Private Hyde of 'K,' Company G, 6th Infantry.

Robert S. Garnett

  • Letter dated May 31, 1857, concerning the history of Fort Simcoe.
  • Letter from Fort Simcoe, Washington Territories, dated July 28, 1858. The subject is listed as "requesting remission of sentences etc."
  • Document dated September 24, 1958.
  • Document dated August 15, 1958.

Ulysses S. Grant

  • Letter dated February 28, 1866, Washington D.C., to Philip H. Sheridan.
  • Document dated March 1866, Washington, D.C.
  • Ulysses S. Grant to Pope, re-promotion of Frederick Myers, dated March 7, 1865.
  • Ulysses S. Grant to CO at Alston Prison regarding prisoner ("Riggen, J") reported as missing, dated October 30, 1863.

David McMurtrie Gregg

  • Letter to post commander, Fort Lyon, dated May 5, 1857, requesting application for withdrawal of charges.

J.A. Hardie

  • Letter dated May 21, 1858, requesting a leave of absence.

Ambrose Powell (A.P.) Hill

  • Letter to Maj. Winship, dated May 17, 1849, requesting leave of absence.
  • Letter to General Childs, dated June 18, 1849, requesting extension of leave of absence.

Ed Johnson

  • Letter dated September 12, 1858, applies to have his arrest suspended.

E.D. Keyes

  • Letter dated May 19, 1857, recommending discharge of Sgt. Davis.
  • Letter dated February 1, 1858, relative to Post Returns.
  • Letter from dated March 15, 1858, relative to Descriptive Rolls.
  • Letter dated July 29, 1858, reporting his arrival at Fort Walla Walla.

Samuel Phillips Lee

  • Flagship "Tempist," Mississippi Squadron, S.P. Lee commanding to Sheridan, dated June 1865.

Abraham Lincoln - Telegrams were written by President Lincoln on Executive Office stationary and compiled in a volume by the Secretary of War. View

  • April 29, 1864 (Annotated on top right hand corner with the number 42)
  • June 19, 1864 (Annotated on top right hand corner with the number 78)
  • June 24, 1864 (Annotated on top right hand corner with the number 80)
  • July 9, 1864 (Annotated on top right hand corner with the number 91)
  • Second page of an undated telegram (Annotated on top right hand corner with the number 94)

P. Lugenbeel

  • Document dated July 22, 1858, Fort Dallas, O.T.

T. Moore

  • Letter dated July 26, 1854, Report of Tour from San Francisco to Ft. Yuma.

William D. Pender

  • Letter to W.W. Mackall, dated September 15, 1858, requesting leave of absence.
  • Letter dated October 19, 1858, forwarding certificate for pension.
  • Document dated February 2, 1858.
  • Document dated June 28, 1858.
  • Letter from W.D. Pender complaining of detail, dated December 9, 1857.
  • Transmittal of Letter from W.D. Pender complaining of detail, dated December 9, 1857. View

George E. Pickett

  • Letter dated March or May 3, 1857, forwarding charges against privates.
  • Document dated March 3, 1857, Fort Bellingham, W.T.
  • Letter dated July 16, 1857, regarding a requisition for ordnance.
  • Letter dated August 31, 1857, relative to a proceeding of company council.
  • Letter dated November 14, 1857, relating to certificate of disability for Private Foist.
  • Letter dated December 28, 1857, enclosing charges and specifications against privates Dremans and Jermans of 9th Infantry.
  • Letter dated January 24, 1858, enclosing certificate of disability for Private Jordan.
  • Letter dated February 3, 1858, enclosing Descriptive Lists of Deserters, 9th Infantry.
  • Letter to W.W. Mackall, dated April 5, 1858, requesting leave of absence.
  • Letter dated May 1, 1861, Camp Pickett San Juan Island, W.T., enclosed copy of letter received on the subject of reserves. Reports six months pay due to the troops - want of recruits, etc.
  • Letter dated May 2, 1861, Camp Pickett, W.T., enclosing charge against Private Lehman of D Company, 9th Infantry.
  • Letter dated May 13, 1858, enclosing proceedings of Garrison court martial.
  • Letter dated May 15, 1861, Camp Pickett, W.T., enclosing charge against Private Murphy of D Company, 9th Infantry.
  • Letter dated June 21, 1861, Camp Pickett, San Juan, reports no civil magistrate on the island so that orders No. 12 HQ Department of the Pacific cannot be complied with.

Alfred Pleasanton

  • Letter dated October 19, 1858, concerning retaining the 6th Infantry in the Department of California.

G. J. Rains

  • No description available.

J. F. Reynolds

  • Letter dated January 8, 1856, reports his arrival at Fort Orford.
  • Letter dated March 9, 1856, report reinforcements arrived.

Philip H. Sheridan

  • Letter dated May 6, 1856, report of reservation.
  • Document dated March 30, 1856, Cascade, W.T.
  • Document to Townsend, dated November 1865, HQ Mil Div of Gulf, N.O.

W. T. Sherman

  • Document dated 1848, H.Q., 100th military Department, Monterey, CA.

A. J. Smith

  • Letter dated December 8, 1856, report on Benecia Arsenal.
  • Letter dated October 30, 1856, reporting command.
  • Letter dated December 5, 1856, Plan for Fort Yamhill.

C. P. Stone

  • Letter dated April 7, 1854, boundary of Benecia Arsenal.

G. H. Thomas

  • Letter dated June 13, 1854, hospital at Presidio.
  • Letter dated August 24, 1854, contracting at Fort Yuma.

Charles S. Winder

  • Letter dated May 7, 1856, requests double rations.

W.A. Winder

  • Letter dated Oct 16, 1856, receipt of letter and orders.

George Wright

  • Letter dated Mar 3, 1856, reports on loss of the "Republic."
  • Letter dated July 25, 1856, history of march, July 21-25.
  • Letter dated Oct 23, 1856, estimate of clothing.

John Wool

  • Letter dated September 24, 1856, directs instructions for Lieutenant Loeser.


  • Letter from the Superintendent of the Bureau of Indian Affairs to Department, dated 1857, requesting receipt of communication relative to more troops on reservations.
  • Letter from the Superintendent of the Bureau of Indian Affairs dated August 20, 1858, relating to the transmittal of copies of treaties made with Indians north of the Cascade Mountains.
  • Document dated November 4, 1865, H.Q. 1st C.. Division M.D. of Gulf, San Antonio Springs.
Top of Page

Presidential Pardons from the National Archives, Organized by Administration

Millard Fillmore:

Pardoned: Peter Armill (aka Peter West) on October 8, 1851
(Filed on March 7, 1849 in the U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland)

Pardoned: John W. Comegys on March 9, 1853
(Filed on March 2, 1853 in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania)

Pardoned: Lewis George on February 23, 1852
(Filed on June 4, 1851 in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania)

Pardoned: William Humphries on February 23, 1853
(Filed on June 17, 1850 in the U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland)

Pardoned: Bernard Ockert on June 14, 1851
(Filed on March 19, 1851 in the U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland)

Pardoned: Thomas Powell on December 11, 1852
(Filed on December 2, 1852 in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania)

Top of Page

Ulysses S. Grant:

Pardoned: Anna M. Blaklock
(Filed on March 21, 1870 in the U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland)

Pardoned: Daniel Collins in 1875
(Case #9 filed on September 8, 1874 in the U.S. District Court for the District of Delaware)

Pardoned: Lewis Dorsey
(Filed on February 1, 1875 in the U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland)

Pardoned: Herman H. Fletcher on February 16, 1877
(Case #4 filed on April 12, 1876 in the U.S. District Court for the District of Delaware)

Pardoned: William H. Hooper on October 13, 1873
(Filed on October 11, 1873 in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania)

Pardoned: Jane Irvin in 1873
(Case # 1 filed on June 11, 1872 in the U.S. District Court for the District of Delaware)

Pardoned: Charles Jones (aka Karl Krouse) (Filed on June 17, 1870 in the U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland)

Pardoned: Ezekiel Jones on June 2, 1876
(Case #9 filed on January 11, 1876 in the U.S. District Court for the District of Delaware)

Pardoned: Patrick Mahan in 1875
(Case #2 filed on January 12, 1875 in the U.S. District Court for the District of Delaware)

Pardoned: Archibald McKinley on May 15, 1873
(Case #24 filed on January 12, 1870 in the U.S. District Court for the District of Delaware)

Pardoned: Benjamin Frank Moody
(Filed on June 3, 1875 in the U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland)

Pardoned: Albert A. Neele [date not found]
(Filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland)

Pardoned: William D. Nolan in 1876
(Filed on June 1, 1876 in the Circuit Court of Delaware)

Pardoned: Philip Plunkett and Frank E. Kelly on April 11, 1871
(Case #12 filed on September 16, 1869 in the U.S. District Court for the District of Delaware)

Pardoned: Samuel Sproul
(Filed on September 23, 1875 in the U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland)

Pardoned: George Weidel (Filed on January 25, 1876 in the U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland)

Pardoned: William B. Wiggins in 1873
(Case #41 filed on April 17, 1871 the U.S. District Court for the District of Delaware)

Pardoned: Henry Willis (aka Henry Wells)
(Filed on March 13, 1871 in the U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland)

Top of Page

Rutherford B. Hayes:

Pardoned: Lewis P. Burgos
(Filed on March 23, 1877 in the U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland)

Pardoned: Edward B. Caulk on December 23, 1878
(Case #1 filed on June 11, 1878 in the U.S. District Court for the District of Delaware)

Pardoned: Dallas Davis
(Filed on February 29, 1877 in the U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland)

Pardoned: Charles W. Fulton
(Filed on December 15, 1877 in the U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland)

Pardoned: T.W. Isaacs [date not found]
(Filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland)

Pardoned: Charles Kneer on March 25, 1878
(Case #16 filed on January 12, 1877 in the U.S. District Court for the District of Delaware)

Pardoned: Joseph Rothrock [date not found]
(Filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland)

Andrew Jackson:

Pardoned: Zachariah Smith on July 5, 1835
(Filed on August 18, 1835 in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania)

Pardon of Costs: Zachariah Smith on October 10, 1835
(Filed October 6, 1835 in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania)

Pardoned: Thomas Ward on May 25, 1831 (Filed on June 3, 1831 in the U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland)

Andrew Johnson:

Pardoned: Alonzo Hayes and Emanuel W. Hilt in 1867
(Filed on January 9, 1867 in the U.S. District Court for the District of Delaware)

Pardoned: Joseph Hayes in 1867
(Filed on September 12, 1865 in the U.S. District Court for the District of Delaware)

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James Madison:

Pardoned: James Tomkins on June 20, 1812
(Filed on May 6, 1811 in the Circuit Court of Maryland)

Franklin Pierce:

Pardoned: John Adair on August 6, 1853
(Filed on August 5, 1853 in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania)

Pardoned: John Batz on April 7, 1856
(Filed on April 4, 1856 in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania)

Pardoned: William Fisher on November 9, 1854
(Filed on November 6, 1854 in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania)

Pardoned: Anthony G. Hasting on September 7, 1854
(Filed on September 14, 1852 in the U.S. District Court for the District of Delaware)

Pardoned: Patrick McMara on April 17, 1854
(Filed on March 8, 1853 in the U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland)

Pardoned: Francis A. Myers on November 1, 1853
(Filed on October 29, 1853 in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania)

Pardoned: Minius Price on July 5, 1853
(Filed on July 1, 1853 in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania)

Pardoned: Joseph Rosenthal on April 23, 1853
(Filed on October 8, 1852 in the U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland)

Pardoned: Samuel Saunders in December 1853
(Filed in March 1853 in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania)

Pardoned: Charles Billing on June 27, 1853
(Filed on June 10, 1853 in the U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland)

Pardoned: Alexander Sterett on February 28, 1857
(Filed on February 25, 1857 in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania)

Top of Page

James K. Polk:

Pardoned: Eben T. Clark on January 18, 1849
(Filed on January 16, 1847 in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania)

Pardoned: John Harding on January 31, 1848
(Filed on January 28, 1848 in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania)

Pardoned: Abram Johnson on July 15, 1848
(Filed on June 7, 1845 in the U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland)
Countersigned by Secretary of State James Buchanan

Pardoned: John Jones, John Poulson, and John Johnson on October 26, 1848
(Filed on September 12, 1848 in the U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland)
Countersigned by Secretary of State James Buchanan

Pardoned: Jason L. Pendleton on July 21, 1846
(Filed on June 10, 1845 in the U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland)
Countersigned by Secretary of State James Buchanan

Zachary Taylor:

Pardoned: William H. Green on March 29, 1848
(Filed on March 9, 1849 in the U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland)

John Tyler:

Pardoned: Solomon Buckman on December 26, 1844
(Filed on December 24, 1844 in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania)

Pardoned: Frederick S. Fisher on July 10, 1841
(Filed on July 6, 1841 in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania)

Pardoned: Adam Hewing on November 18, 1842
(Filed on November 16, 1842 in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania)

Pardoned: Alexander William Holmes on November 14, 1842
(Filed on November 1, 1842 in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania)

Pardoned: William and Abraham Kromer on January 21, 1842
(Filed on January 24, 1842 in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania)

Pardoned: Stewart Law on November 16, 1842
(Filed on November 8, 1842 in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania)

Pardoned: James Stewart and Nathan Adams on August 17, 1842
(Filed on July 1, 1842 in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania)

Martin Van Buren:

Pardoned: George Wilson on January 12, 1841
(Filed on January 7, 1841 in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania)

Missing Presidential Items/documents


Given to President George H.W. Bush

  • Remington Bronco Statue: The statute is 1 of 5 special museum proofs.  It is made of .999% pure silver and weighs 1,000 oz. or about 70 lbs. View

Given to President Lyndon B. Johnson

  • Class Ring: Made by Balfour, This 1964 class ring from US Coast Guard Academy; Engraved “LBJ.”  It is a yellow sapphire in 14K gold setting, with a bas-relief ship on one side and crest on the other. View

Given to President Harry S. Truman

  • Dagger, scabbard, and belt:  The dagger has a gold hilt, steel blade, and is decorated with 9 diamonds on its grip.  The scabbard is gold decorated with 4 diamonds.  The belt has a gold buckle and woven gold thread. View

  • Presentation Sword:  It is 38" long has gold grips and a gold chain connecting the hand guard with the pommel grip.  It is decorated with 4 diamonds.  The hand guard also has a diamond.  The scabbard is gold and black leather decorated with 15 diamonds.  (The gold rope and tassels shown in the photo were not stolen.) View

  • Sword and scabbard:  The sword is just under 38" long.  It has a curved steel blade with ivory grips and a gold decoration chain leading from the hand guard to the pommel.  It has multiple diamonds and rubies throughout both the grips and the scabbard.  (see photo)

  • Sword and scabbard:  The primary materials are silver and steel. View

  • Dagger and scabbard:  The dagger has a gold hilt with 4 diamonds of .5 carats each in the pommel, surrounding a 2.5 carat emerald.  The lower grip has 15 small diamonds surrounding an oval 3 carat ruby.  The scabbard is gold with 4 rubies at the throat and an 8.5 carat emerald over a 3 carat ruby surrounded by 12 small diamonds.  At the tip is a 3 carat ruby surrounded by 12 small diamonds. View


Andrew Jackson-Two clipped President Andrew Jackson signatures from documents pertaining to the appointment of lighthouse keepers. One signature was removed from a document dated May 8, 1829, and the other signature was removed from a document dated May 13, 1829.

Franklin D. Roosevelt- A reading copy of the “Day of Infamy” speech.  Dated 12/8/1941, the speech is triple spaced- typed, on white paper with blue ink, 3 holes punched in the left margin and one smaller hole secured with a purple ribbon, signed on the last page.

Other Missing Historical Documents

Eli Whitney Cotton Gin Patent-Drawing made ca. 1804 in response to a court case in Georgia. View

Hiroshima Target Map-Map of Target Area 90-30-748, Hiroshima Area, A-2 Section, XXI Bomber Command, June 1945. Created by the Army Air Corps to plan the dropping of an Atomic Bomb on Hiroshima, Japan during World War II. View

Nagasaki Target Map- Map of Target Area 90-36-542, Hiroshima Area, Target Unit, Intell Section,  XX Bomber Command, April1945. Created by the Army Air Corps to plan the dropping of an Atomic Bomb on Nagasaki, Japan during World War II. View

Ploesti Mission Report- Army Air Corps 44th Bomb Group Mission Report for the August 1, 1943, attack on the oil fields in Ploesti, Romania. Code word “Tidal Wave”

Wright Brothers' Flying Machine Patent-Application #821,393, submitted by Orville and Wilbur Wright to the U.S. Patent Office in 1903. View

A handwritten note from a Confederate soldier to the Union forces near Fredericksburg, VA. offering to trade tobacco for coffee. Note is dated March 6th - year is unknown. View

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