Braille Book Review

January-February 2004
Books for Adults

The following books were recently produced for the NLS program. To order books, contact your braille-lending library. Note: For the infomation of the reader, a notice may appear immediately following the book description to indicate occurrences of strong language, explicit descriptions of sex, or violence. The word "some" before any of these terms indicates an occasional or infrequent occurence, as in "some strong language." Nonfiction

HTML and XHTML: The Definitive Guide BR 13934
by Chuck Musciano and Bill Kennedy
8 volumes
Beginners' guide to designing web documents using a computer, a text editor that creates ASCII text files, and web browsers such as Netscape Navigator and Internet Explorer. Starts with basic syntax and semantics. Discusses HTML 4.01 and XHTML 1.0. 2000.

The Meaning of the Glorious Koran BR 14075
translated by Marmaduke Pickthall
5 volumes
The sacred scripture of Islam, translated from classical Arabic by Marmaduke Pickthall with explanatory notes.1992.

A Second Treasury of Knitting Patterns BR 14112
by Barbara G. Walker
5 volumes
Companion to A Treasury of Knitting Patterns (BR 14111). Features instructions for seven hundred different knitting patterns. Follows the same format as the former, suggesting projects for described patterns. Intended to encourage creativity and increase the skills of novice and advanced knitters. 1998.

Healthy Women, Healthy Lives: A Guide to Preventing Disease from the Landmark Nurses' Health Study BR 14125
edited by Susan E. Hankinson and others
6 volumes
Summarizes the Harvard University medical study, which began in 1976, of nurses and their health. Discusses lowering the risk of common cancers, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, osteoporosis, age-related eye disorders, asthma, arthritis, and Alzheimer's disease. Includes advice on changing high-risk behaviors and making decisions. 2001.

The Only Astrology Book You'll Ever Need BR 14149
by Joanna Martine Woolfolk
9 volumes
Astrology columnist updates her 1982 work on the movement of celestial bodies and their possible influence on humanity. Describes the various Sun and Moon signs, placement of the planets, the twelve zodiac houses, and the mechanics of setting up a birth chart. 2001.

Knitting in Plain English BR 14167
by Maggie Righetti
3 volumes (Reissue)
A practical guide for beginning and intermediate knitters. Using a good-humored, common sense approach, provides patterns and easy-to-follow lessons to complete projects. Offers simple tips to facilitate the process and answers to frequently asked questions. 1986.

Hoyle's Rules of Games: Descriptions of Indoor Games of Skill and Chance, with Advice on Skillful Play; Based on the Foundations Laid Down by Edmond Hoyle, 1672-1769 BR 14229
edited by Philip D. Morehead and others
4 volumes
Revised and updated guide to rules, strategies, and odds for more than two hundred fifty games. Card games include bridge, cribbage, pinochle, poker, and solitaire--and their variations. Also contains instructions for backgammon, dominoes, Scrabble, children's games, and some computer games. 2001.

Lung Cancer: Myths, Facts, Choices--and Hope BR 14251
by Claudia I. Henschke and Peggy McCarthy
4 volumes
Describes the symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of lung cancer as well as risk factors and the role of heredity. Offers practical suggestions for living with the disease and optimizing the quality of life. 2002.

Strong Women and Men Beat Arthritis: The Scientifically Proven Program That Allows People with Arthritis to Take Charge of Their Disease BR 14276
by Miriam E. Nelson and others
3 volumes
The author of Strong Women Stay Young (BR 11896) and other "strong women" titles discusses osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Explains how to reduce the pain with exercise, nutrition, medication, complementary therapy, and/or joint replacement surgery. 2002.

Patients' Rights in the Age of Managed Health Care BR 14281
by Lisa Yount
4 volumes
This overview, reference book, and research guide discusses two main effects on individuals of managed health care: rising costs and the fear that cost reduction would eliminate necessary care. Examines the history of federal laws applicable to health care and patients' rights, and includes an annotated list of organizations. 2001.

The Essential Harold Cruse: A Reader BR 14285
edited by William Jelani Cobb
4 volumes
Selected writings by a prominent African American scholar. Includes essays from his 1967 classic book The Crisis of the Negro Intellectual, in which he calls for black autonomy. Includes a 1997 interview from the Radical History Review and works dealing with Marxism and Jewish relations. 2002.

Living with Vision Problems: The Sourcebook for Blindness and Vision Impairment BR 14343
by Jill Sardegna and others
5 volumes
Brief discussion of vision problems: causes, prevention, treatment, and coping techniques. Substantial A-to-Z section of concise entries on medical terminology, health and social concerns, adaptive devices, and many other relevant topics. Includes appendixes for further resources. 2002.

The Complete and Easy Guide to Social Security, Healthcare Rights, and Government Benefits BR 14371
by Faustin F. Jehle
3 volumes
Guide to monetary and health-care benefits under social security, medicare and medicaid, HMOs, and other governmental programs. Includes information on disability, veterans, living wills, supplemental security income, and patients' rights (including the right to appeal). 2000.

The Handbook of the Middle East BR 14383
by Michael G. Kort
3 volumes
Overview of the Middle East's history, geography, culture, government, and politics. Includes Egypt, Libya, Israel, the Palestinian Authority, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Turkey, Iran, and the countries of the Arabian Peninsula: Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, and Bahrain. For senior high and older readers. 2002.

Citizen McCain BR 14396
by Elizabeth Drew
2 volumes
Describes the Arizona senator's successful attempt in 2001 to pass a bill to eliminate soft money contributions to political candidates. The author followed McCain for a year as he lined up support for his campaign reform project. 2002.

John Quincy Adams BR 14399
by Robert V. Remini
2 volumes
Personal and political portrait of John Quincy Adams (1767-1848), sixth president of the United States and son of the second president. Describes his long diplomatic career, his difficulties and accomplishments as commander-in-chief, his return to the Senate after the presidency, and his defense of the participants in the 1839 Amistad slave revolt. 2002.

Fighting Invisible Tigers: A Stress Management Guide for Teens BR 14404
by Earl Hipp
1 volume
Discusses pressures and problems encountered by teenagers and provides information on life skills, stress management, and methods of gaining more control over their own lives. For senior high and older readers. 1995.

The Gold of Exodus: The Discovery of the True Mount Sinai BR 14453
by Howard Blum
3 volumes
Describes how, in the late 1980s, Larry Williams, a self-made millionaire, and Bob Cornuke, an ex-policeman, discovered what they believed to be Mount Sinai in Saudi Arabia. Their activities drew the attention of both Saudi and Israeli agents when the site was revealed to be a top-secret Saudi military installation. 1998.

The Father and the Son: My Father's Journey into the Monastic Life BR 14457
by Matt Murray
2 volumes
A Wall Street Journal reporter offers a portrait of his family that is centered around his widowed father's spiritual quest. Traces his father's conversion from a police civil-service administrator to a Benedictine monk and an ordained priest and explores the effects on his family. 1999.

The Nature of Generosity BR 14459
by William Kittredge
2 volumes
In this memoir, the author chronicles his childhood on an Oregon ranch and journeys to Alaska, Peru, and France, exploring human development and civilization. He rails against greed in all forms (especially systems that profit by damaging nature) and proposes a world order that values generosity and creativity. 2000.

The Better Angel: Walt Whitman in the Civil War BR 14474
by Roy Morris
2 volumes
Portrait of the patriotic poet who succored the wounded in hospitals around Washington, D.C., during the Civil War. Discusses Whitman's principles, states of mind, and companions, and explores how his wartime experiences affected his poetry, particularly "When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom'd." 2000.

Deep in Our Hearts: Nine White Women in the Freedom Movement BR 14477
by Constance Curry and others
4 volumes
Recollections of coming of age in the 1960s with an active commitment to the struggle for racial equality and justice. Women from very different backgrounds--southern and northern, poor and middle-class--describe how their upbringing prepared them to join the civil rights movement. 2000.

When We Were One: Stories of World War II BR 14478
by W.C. Heinz
2 volumes
A collection of articles written for the New York Sun by war correspondent W.C. Heinz, who later became a successful sportswriter. Describes the invasion of Europe, the march into Germany, the interrogation of Nazi prisoners, and the execution of spies. Some strong language. 2002.

The Question of God: C.S. Lewis and Sigmund Freud Debate God, Love, Sex, and the Meaning of Life BR 14479
by Armand M. Nicholi
3 volumes
Although confirmed atheist Freud (1856-1939) and converted Christian Lewis (1898-1963) did not debate each other while alive, the author (himself a psychiatrist and professor) examines their beliefs and behaviors through their published work, autobiographies, and private correspondence to determine how they arrived at conflicting conclusions. Some descriptions of sex. 2002.

Mayo Clinic on Alzheimer's Disease BR 14487
edited by Ronald Petersen
2 volumes
Physician defines and describes Alzheimer's disease--a form of dementia that affects millions of mostly older patients. Discusses the biology of the brain and the causes and treatment of this condition, offers tips for caregivers, provides practical legal and financial advice, and looks at research prospects. 2002.

Kitchen Privileges: A Memoir BR 14535
by Mary Higgins Clark
2 volumes
Mystery writer pens her autobiography, describing events that led to her successful career. Depicts her love-filled Irish upbringing in the Bronx during the depression, a happy marriage that ended in tragedy, and the 1975 surprise success of her first mystery Where Are the Children? (RC 38396). Some strong language. 2002.

The Reading Fingers: Life of Louis Braille, 1809-1852 BR 14555
by Jean Roblin
1 volume
First authoritative biography of the French inventor of braille text. Covers Braille's family background and how he became blind. Discusses his education, love for music, and contribution to intellectual advancement through his raised-dot system for reading. Translated from the French. 1952.

What Time Is It? You Mean Now? Advice for Life from the Zennest Master of Them All BR 14563
by Yogi Berra
1 volume
Retired baseball champion expands on the advice he first offered in When You Come to a Fork in the Road, Take It! (BR 13542) by using anecdotes relating to baseball. Suggests cultivating a positive attitude, exercising, setting goals, and taking advantage of opportunities. 2002.

America under Attack: Primary Sources BR 14570
edited by Tamara L. Roleff
1 volume
Uses eye witness reports, news articles, and speeches to examine the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon in Virginia. Describes America's response, world reaction, and the subsequent war on terrorism. For junior and senior high readers. 2002.

My Path Leads to Tibet: The Inspiring Story of How One Young Blind Woman Brought Hope to the Blind Children of Tibet BR 14654
by Sabriye Tenberken
2 volumes
The author recounts her journey to Tibet, where she opened a school for blind children to teach them the Tibetan braille system she devised while a University of Bonn student. Tenberken describes losing her sight at age twelve, her education, establishing her school, and founding the organization Braille without Borders. 2000.

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