USDA Forest Service

Tahoe National Forest


Tahoe National Forest
631 Coyote Street
Nevada City, CA 95959
(530) 265-4531 (voice)
(530) 478-6118 (TDD)

United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service.

Projects & Plans

Yuba-Donner Byway Corridor Management Plan | SOPA | OHV Route Designation | Alder Creek | Sierra Nevada Forest Plan Amendment | Herger-Feinstein Quincy Library Group | South Yuba River Coordinated Management Plan | Fisheries Information | Heritage Resources | Regional & National Projects

This page contains links to project and planning information on the Tahoe National Forest. Functional areas post information here about different forest management projects across the forest.

Appeals & Litigation

Forest Service managers make many resource-management decisions, which may be subject to appeal (request to a higher-level authority for administrative review of a desicion).

Click here to view appeal responses issued after Oct. 1 2006. You will view these on the National Appeals website (opens in a new window).

Pre-Decisional Objections

Proposed Forest Service decisions regarding hazardous fuel reduction projects are subject to a "pre-desicional" review process. In these cases, the public may submit comments on the project for consideration prior to the final decision being signed.

Click here to view objecting responses. You will view these on the National Objections website (opens in a new window).

Forest Level Projects

Yuba-Donner Scenic Byway Corridor Management Plan

thumbnail of a graphic showing the North Yuba river and Sierra Buttes next to Highway 49.The Forest Service is developing a corridor management plan for a 41.2 mile section of the Yuba Donner Scenic Byway. The selected area is a portion of the byway on SR 49 in the North Yuba river canyon between Camptonville and Yuba Pass. Public input and participation are being actively solicited in creation of this plan.

More information about the project is found here.

SOPA Quarterly Report

The Tahoe National Forests's Schedule of Proposed Actions (SOPA), is published quarterly (Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter).

Current Schedule of Proposed Actions

Note: this link takes you to the National Forest Service website. To return to the local Tahoe National Forest website, use your "back button" or navigate from the link provided to the Tahoe NF Home Page.

  • Specific Information: For proposal-specific information, please contact the corresponding "Project Contact" listed in the SOPA.
  • Future Involvement: To be included in future public involvement for a specific proposal, contact the corresponding "Project Contact" listed in the SOPA and indicate your interest in being involved.

Off-Highway Vehicle Route Designation Project

Route Designation Project logoThis is a multi-year process designed to inventory and provide consistent management and guidelines for off-highway vehicle use. The initial phase inventoried and mapped existing OHV routes on the forest. The five-step process includes:

  1. Complete an inventory of existing roads, trails and open areas used by wheeled vehicles.
  2. Issue a temporary Forest Order prohibiting wheeled vehicles off of mapped/existing roads, trails, or designated open areas.
  3. Propose a system of OHV routes.
  4. Make final decision as to which routes will be designated for OHV use.
  5. Issue Forest Orders for designated OHV routes, sign routes, and provide maps for users.

Alder Creek Project

This Project proposes to reduce hazardous fuels and improve watershed conditions in the Alder Creek area north of Truckee on State Route 89. The project scoping was initiated on November 18, 2005. The Environmental Assessment (EA) was released online on March 27, 2005. Current documents include:

Environmental Assessment
  • EA (primary document) (.pdf) (.html)
  • Appendix A: Project Resource Protection Measures and Standard Management Requirements for Alternative 1 (.pdf) (.html)
  • Appendix B: Human Health & Safety and Ecological Risk Evaluation for Borax Stump Treatment (.pdf) (.html)
  • Appendix C: Monitoring Plans for Sub Watersheds over TOC (.pdf) (.html)
  • Appendix D: Riparian Conservation Objective Analysis (.pdf) (.html)
  • Appendix E: Compliance with Water Quality Control Plan for the Lahontan Region (.pdf) (.html)
  • Appendix F: Scoping Comments Summary(.pdf) (.html)
  • Sporax label (.pdf only)
  • Sporax MSDS (.pdf only)
Scoping Phase

The Sierra Nevada Forest Plan Amendment

This site contains information on the process and progress of amending the land management plans of all national forests in the Sierra Nevada. The final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS) was released on January 21, 2004, and is available on the SNFPA website.

The Herger-Feinstein Quincy Library Group website

This site contains information concerning HFQLG background implementation. The Herger-Feinstein Quincy Library Group legislation allows for some alternate forest management activities on three national forests, designed to reduce wildfire danger while providing environmental protections. On the Tahoe, these special management activities occur only on the Sierraville Ranger District.

The South Yuba Coordinated River Management Plan

This is a multi-year planning effort between public agencies and the public for the stretch of the South Yuba between Spaulding Reservoir and Bridgeport. The participating government entities are: Nevada County, California Department of Parks and Recreation, Folsom Office, Bureau of Land Management and USDA Forest Service, Tahoe National Forest. There are regular public meetings scheduled in Grass Valley, and notes and information about the evolving plan can be found on this site.

Fisheries Information 

These pages provide an overview of Fisheries management on the forest, as well as some information about rivers and streams on the forest.

Heritage Resources

These pages provide visitor and some technical information about archaeology and heritage resources management on the forest.

Regional and National Projects

Forests With A Future is a public education campaign designed to inform and educate everyone about the serious problems facing our national forests in California from serious over-stocking, including serious fire and insect risks.

Healthy Forests Initiative. This site contains details about the HFI and how it influences national forest management. The HFI field guide is also available here.

Payments to Counties: Some monetary receipts to National Forests from timber harvest and other commercial activities are returned to the affected counties to supplement their tax bases. Specifics about these payments are available on this site.

USDA Forest Service - Tahoe National Forest
Last Modified:  Wednesday, 26 November 2008 at 14:59:11 EST

USDA logo which links to the department's national site. Forest Service logo which links to the agency's national site.