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VIReC Data Issues Brief - 2008 Archive

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Older issues of Data Issues Brief are a rich resource for researchers because they often contain references to information related to current topics of interest. Headlines from each issue of the DIB are listed by year and month.


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Data Issues Brief - 2008 Headlines

  1. VHA Office of Information Changes Its Name
  2. NDS Issues Data Alert for Obtaining Real SSN Data
  3. FY08 Diagnostic Cost Group Data Available at AITC
  4. National Clinical Reminder Program
  5. Means Test and Geographic-Based Means Test Thresholds for Calendar Year 2009
  6. VA Collaborates with Department of Defense and Department of Labor in National Resource Directory
  7. VIReC Clinical Informatics Cyber Seminar Series
  8. National Health Policy Conference February 2-3 in DC
  9. Call for Abstracts for AcademyHealth 2009 Annual Research Meeting
  1. Copayments for VA Outpatient Medical Care and Extended Care Services Provided to Veterans
  2. Palliative Care Consult Teams
  3. National PBM Drug Safety Alert Distribution
  4. VIReC Clinical Informatics Cyber Seminar Series
  1. Race Data Quality Update on VIReC Web Site
  2. New VHA Directive on Adverse Drug Event Reporting and Monitoring
  3. VHA Consult Policy
  4. Health Care Benefits and Co-pay Exemption for Combat Veterans Post-Discharge
  5. October Clinical Informatics Cyber Seminar
  1. VIReC Data Alert Regarding Duplicate Prosthetics Encounters
  2. Hospice and Palliative Care Workload Capture
  3. Assignment of Station Number Suffix Identifiers for CBOCs
  4. September Clinical Informatics Cyber Seminar
  5. Proposals for NIH Conference on Implementation Due September 26
  1. FY09 DSS Technical Conversion Guidelines: Information about LOINC Codes for LAR NDE
  2. FY09 DSS Technical Conversion Guidelines: 5 NEW Test Results in LAR NDE
  3. FY09 DSS Technical Conversion Guidelines: DSS Identifier (Clinic Stop Code) Changes
  4. VA/VHA Innovation Program Sets Up Innovation ListServ
  5. VSSC Launches a New Help Desk
  6. Free Web Conference Series on Clinical Decision Support
  7. AHRQ 2008 Annual Conference September 7-10
  1. VA ORD Implementing a VA/DoD Collaborative Research Listserv
  2. OEF/OIF Field Changes in DSS Datasets
  3. July Clinical Informatics Cyber Seminar
  4. VeHU July 15-17 NINR
  5. Workshop on Integrating Cost-Effective Analysis into Clinical Research July 17-18
  6. Conference on Health Analytics October 1-3
  1. DSS Plans to Change Extraction Method for All LAR Records in FY09 to Pull by LOINC Code
  2. New Religion Codes
  3. AITC Implements Changes to Race and Ethnicity Variables in SAS Format Library
  4. June Clinical Informatics Cyber Seminar
  5. VeHU 2008 in Tampa FL July 14-17
  1. Incomplete DSS Inpatient Pharmacy Data
  2. Nursing Home Care Units Change Name to Community Living Centers
  3. May Clinical Informatics Cyber Seminar
  4. VeHU 2008 in Tampa FL July 14-17
  5. AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting June 8-10
  6. Health Care Costs: Standardized Methods and Estimates for Research and Policy Applications
  7. HERC Bulletin Presents Updates
  8. National VA Research Week May 11-17
  1. Revised VA Form 9957
  2. Updated DSS NDE Technical Guide for FY08
  3. VHA Office of Information Works toward Nationalizing Local Informatics Innovations
  4. Bidirectional Health Information Exchange Tiger Team
  5. April Clinical Informatics Cyber Seminar
  6. VeHU 2008 Deadline for Poster Abstract Submissions May 9
  7. AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting June 8-10
  8. New Associate Director for QUERI Named
  1. Responsibilities of the Office of Research Oversight
  2. VHA Directive Providing Guidelines for Use of Resident Assessment Instrument (RAI) Minimum Data Set (MDS)
  3. New Name for Corporate Franchise Data Center in Austin
  4. VeHU 2008 Open for Poster Abstract Submissions
  5. March Clinical Informatics Cyber Seminar
  1. 2008 VA HSR&D National Meeting
  2. SAS File Access at Austin CFD Unavailable 2/16-2/17
  3. Two New OIF/OEF Fields Added to FY08 DSS Clinical NDEs
  4. VeHU 2008 Now Open for Poster Abstract Submissions
  5. AcademyHealth Launches New HSR Methods Website
  6. March Clinical Informatics Cyber Seminar
  1. VA Secure Host Integration Overview
  2. Means Test Thresholds for Calendar Year 2008
  3. January Clinical Informatics Cyber Seminar
  4. VIReC Presentations at VA HSR&D National Meeting
  5. AcademyHealth 2008 National Health Policy Conference
  6. HSR&D Support for "Military and Veteran Health" Abstracts Accepted at 2008 AcademyHealth National Research Meeting