United States Department of Veterans Affairs
United States Department of Veterans Affairs

VA Information Resource Center
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Data Security Plan

** NOTE: PIs should consult the new ORD guidelines posted February 6, 2007 **


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    right arrow VA-Medicare Data Initiative Overview
    right arrow VHA Cohort
    right arrow How to Request VA-Medicare Data
      right arrow Request for VA-Medicare Data
      right arrow Data Use Agreement
      right arrow Items to be included in a Data Security Plan
      right arrow Verification of Approval for Real Social Security Numbers.
    right arrow Available VA-Medicare Datasets
      right arrow Medicare Data File Documentation
      right arrow Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey (MCBS)
      right arrow United States Renal Data System (USRDS)
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Items to be included in a Data Security Plan

Requestors of VA-Medicare data must provide VIReC with an IRB approved data security plan. A comprehensive data security plan will address all of the questions listed below. Researchers should work with their system administrator, local ISO, and privacy officer to develop a comprehensive data security plan. Plans that fail to address any of the questions listed below will be returned to the requestor for additional information. Examples are provided to help clarify the questions.

Where will the data be stored? Will it be networked? Will it be protected by a firewall? How will physical access to the data storage system be restricted? Who will have access to the data storage system?

Example for data stored on servers: The data will be stored on a server in a locked room on the grounds of Soldier’s Memorial VA Medical Center. Access to the server room is limited to system administrators. The server is connected to the VISN 99 network, which is behind the VISN 99 firewall. Data will only be stored on network drives and not on local drives. There will be no remote access to the data.

How will the data be logically secured? Who will have authority to access the data?

Example: Only authorized project staff members will have access to the data and access to directories in which the data is stored.

Authorized project staff members will be assigned an active, individually unique user identification code and an individually unique password to the server/network containing the data. The accounts and passwords will comply with existing VA policies and procedures for computer access. Passwords will not be shared. All users will be trained in the protection of patient privacy and workstation security including the policies described above prior to receiving authorization to access the data.

User identification codes limit access to specific directories and files based on roles and responsibilities, and are updated when roles and responsibilities change. Access is granted to only the authorization level appropriate for each user (e.g., read-only, update, delete, print, etc.).

Workstation security includes automatic password-protected screen saver after 15 minutes of non-use. Workstations left unattended will be locked.

Will the data be physically (CDs, DVDs) or electronically (via email or FTP) transferred? If so, how will it be protected?

Example: There will be no transfer of data via the Internet, e-mail or file transfer protocols (FTP), or through electronic media (CDs, DVDs) after receipt from VIReC. The CDs received from VIReC, along with all printed material containing individual level data, will be properly secured in a locked file cabinet in a locked room, which is accessible only by the project staff.

How will electronic media (CDs, DVDs) or printed output with individual level data be secured?

Example: All CDs containing Medicare data (including those received from VIReC) will be zipped using encryption and password protection. The CDs, along with all printed material containing individual level data, will be properly secured in a locked file cabinet in a locked room, which is accessible only by the project staff.

How will the data be destroyed at the end of the project?

Example: At the end of the project, all printed material with individual level data will be shredded with a crosscut shredder and CDs will be shredded using a disc shredder. All data obtained from VIReC will be erased from the server upon study completion.