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  • Developed by  Mapi Research Institute and managed by Mapi Research Trust  (Lyon, France), ProQolid aims to identify and describe PRO and QOL instruments to help you choose appropriate instruments and facilitate your access to them.

    This level is available to all ProQolid visitors at no charge. For each instrument in the database, you will find 14 categories of basic information (e.g., author, objective, mode of administration, original language, existing translations, pathology, number of items, etc.). Search
    This level presents a greater degree of practical information on each instrument, most notably the author’s details and contact information, conditions of use, psychometric properties, etc., and, when available, a review copy of the original instrument, its translations, and a user manual. Login
    ProQolid currently contains On-going developments
    ProQolid Demo Demonstration »See

    Health and Quality of Life Outcomes's article on ProQolid »Read

    ISOQOL members discount on ProQolid subscriptions »More

    We're proud to include
    the US FDA, the Institut für Qualität und Wirtschaftlichkeit im Gesundheitswesen (IQWIG) and the National Institute of Health (NIH)
    among our growing list of ProQolid subscribers

    New in ProQolid:
    Now available to members, it is mentioned:
    - if the questionnaire has obtained a PRO labelling claim from FDA or EMEA
    - if the use of the questionnaire is recommended in a clinical research guidance (published by FDA, EMEA, NICE, etc…)

    Descriptions of 646 instruments

    500 review copies of original instruments

    Review copies of 1010 translations

    Review copies of 170 user manuals

    Descriptions of 82 databases



    NB: ProQolid content is based on information
    collected in the literature and/or validated by the
    authors of the instruments.
    The adequacy of study methodology
    and psychometric properties is not evaluated.


    25% of the seventh update of the instruments described in the database in collaboration with their developers completed

    New information added for each instrument: Complete description of the methodology of development

    40 new instruments added in 2008

    Instruments recently added
    » Neuropathic Pain 4 Questions (DN4)
    » Haemophilia age group-specific Quality of life questionnaire (QUAL HEMO)
    » More