USDA Forest Service

Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area


Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area
902 Wasco Street
Suite 200
Hood River, OR 97031

(541) 308-1700
TTY (541) 386-8758

United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service.

Frequently Asked Questions

Multnomah Falls

How do I get to Multnomah Falls?

Traveling West on Interstate 84, you may access Multnomah Falls via the Historic Columbia River Highway at Exit 35 or you may use the freeway parking lot by taking Exit 31.

If you are traveling East on Interstate 84, you may access Multnomah Falls via the Historic Columbia River Highway at Exit 28 or you may use the freeway parking lot by taking Exit 31

It is recommended that people with disabilities use Exit 28 (traveling East Bound) or Exit 35 (East and West Bound) for direct access to the lodge.

If you are traveling East and would like to see the key waterfall area in the gorge you may take Exit 17 or 18 and follow the Historic Columbia River Highway.

Can I bring my pet?

Pets are welcome at Multnomah falls. They must be on a leash and in control at all times.

Is the trail to the top of the falls open?

The trail to the top of the falls is open everyday from sunrise to sunset.

Trail may be closed due to hazardous conditions. If you have concerns please check with rangers before coming to visit (503-695-2372).

How tall is the water fall?

The water fall is 620 feet tall.

Do I need to have a Northwest Forest Pass to park at Multnomah Falls?
Multnomah Falls does not require a Northwest Forest Pass. For more information about the Northwest Forest Pass, visit our web site at

Where does the water come from?

Water comes by three different sources.

  • Under ground springs from Larch Mountain.
  • Heavy rains during fall, winter, and spring
  • Spring runoff from Larch Mountain's snow pack.

US Forest Service - Columbia River Gorge NSA
Last Modified: Tuesday, 02 October 2007 at 17:17:32 EDT

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