National IA Education & Training Program

Through partnerships with government, academia, and industry, the National Information Assurance Education and Training Program (NIETP) provides a broad range of services. The NIETP operates under national authority, advocating improvements in information assurance (IA) education, training, and awareness. The NIETP is national in focus, future-oriented, multi-dimensional, and tied to technology and business.

This is the NIETP logo

The NIETP serves as the National Manager for IA education and training relating to national security systems and develops IA training standards with the Committee on National Security Systems (CNSS). Its programs assure the very finest preparation of professionals entrusted with securing our critical information. It assesses current course offerings in IA to identify gaps and determine how to fill those gaps.

The NIETP encourages and recognizes universities through the National Centers of Academic Excellence in IA Education and sponsors the national Colloquium for Information Systems Security Education and the National Information Assurance Training and Education Center.