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  • Conducts safety studies for client-proposed changes to the NAS or international standards.
  • Provides risk analyses for criteria or standards related to design of instrument flight procedures for other AFS-400 branches such as AFS-420.
  • Maintains the FSL. 
  • Provides expert consultation to FAA decision makers about proposed changes to the NAS or international standards.
  • Develops software tools for the standardized design of instrument flight criteria.
  • Provides dynamic stochastic models of instrument flight operational concepts using advanced analytical capabilities, such as the ASAT.
  • Assesses the impact on safety of proposed changes to the NAS using tools such as ASAT.
  • Provides approach obstacle clearance risk analysis using software tools such as the Collision Risk Model (CRM) and Safety Assessment Toolset (SAT).
  • Provides Area Navigation (RNAV) design tools (such as RNAV-Pro, RPAT-Pro, and RDVA-Pro).
  • Provides radar separation analysis tools (such as MOSAIC-Pro).
  • Provides HITL risk analyses using data provided by AFS-440.
  • Provides expert advisors and representatives to ICAO, RTCA, SAE, Institute of Navigation, and other international aviation organizations.
  • Evaluates operational acceptability (of risk) of changes to air traffic rules and procedures and determines the impact on safety of instrument flight procedures.
  • Analyzes and evaluates proposed or new navigational concepts such as Automatic Dependent Surveillance, Broadcast (ADS-B) for compatibility with existing or planned flight operation design criteria.
  • Provides risk assessment of flight operations not covered by standard criteria.
  • Provides management of or support to AFS R,E&D programs established to support development of flight systems, including NextGen instrument flight procedures, standards, and criteria.
  • Develops national and international standards and policies for flight procedure risk assessment and management.
  • Evaluates changes and enhancements of airport rules regarding obstacles, equipment, and holding/taxiing aircraft relative to their impact on the safety of instrument and visual approach, missed approach, rejected landing, and departure operations.
  • Coordinates and maintains liaison with other Government agencies and with military, industry, and international representatives to exchange information and to advance the state-of-the-art in the application of operations research techniques, collision risk methodology, and other advanced analyses techniques for en route and terminal flight procedures.
  • Performs studies analyzing equivalent levels of safety and established levels of safety risk analyses for radar safety, wake turbulence, and other areas as requested.
  • Evaluates feasibility and risks associated with operational requirements, such as multiple airport operations, multiple parallel approaches, and converging approaches using data collected with AFS-440.
  • Works with and supports AFS-440 to develop, plan, and conduct real time, precise data collection on new and emerging technologies to provide the basis for modeling performance characteristics using ASAT.
  • Maintains the FSL Tools’ server farm for access of FSL Tools via the Internet. Users include the FAA, military, general aviation and/or commercial aviation community. The FSL Tools’ server farm also provides Internet access to multiple servers used by AFS-400 personnel to perform Monte Carlo simulations.
  • Participates in and supports the AFS Wake Vortex Program and develops national wake vortex encounter standards and acceptable levels of risk.
  • Leads the AFS Separation Standards Program, develops acceptable standards based upon collision risk and wake vortex issues, and provides those recommended standards to ATO for consideration.

Updated: 9:24 am ET December 3, 2007