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Endangered Species Program




Critical Habitat



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The Fish and Wildlife Service is revising the critical habitat designated for the Canada lynx. On February 28, 2008, the Service proposed to designate approximately 42,753 square miles of habitat in portions of northern Maine, northeastern Minnesota, the Northern Rocky Mountains (northwestern Montana and northeastern Idaho), the Northern Cascades (north-central Washington), and the Greater Yellowstone Area (southwestern Montana and northwestern Wyoming).

We now announce publication of a Notice of Availability of the Draft Economic Analysis and Draft Environmental Assessment.

We also provide, for public comment, two draft conservation agreements:

In addition, we are providing maps representing potential changes that may be incorporated into the final critical habitat designation for Canada lynx. The potential changes to the map boundaries are the result of new information provided to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service during the public comment period, February 28, 2008 to April 28, 2008, and during our consideration of comments submitted. Potential map changes reflect new information about lynx habitat condition and distribution. Changes also reflect areas that the U.S. Forest Service has identified as being important for lynx during their planning process.


The Fish and Wildlife Service is proposing to revise the amount of critical habitat designated for the Canada lynx. In total, the Service is proposing to designate approximately 42,753 square miles of habitat in portions of northern Maine, northeastern Minnesota, the Northern Rocky Mountains (northwestern Montana and northeastern Idaho), the Northern Cascades (north-central Washington), and the Greater Yellowstone Area (southwestern Montana and northwestern Wyoming). The public is invited to comment on all aspects of the proposed rule.  Comments will be accepted until April 28, 2008.

Maps of Proposed Critical Habitat Areas


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