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Early Warning Reporting - Microsoft® Excel Templates

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Excel Templates

The following table lists the Excel templates that are available for use in recording Early Warning Reporting (EWR) aggregate and death and injury data. These templates can be used with either Microsoft® Excel 2000 or Excel 2002 (Office XP).

NOTE: Please read the Download Instructions before trying to download the templates.
Report Type Excel File NHTSA Revision Number Last Updated
Buses, Medium & Heavy Vehicles Aggregate BMHVehicles.xls 1.2 8/16/06
Buses, Medium & Heavy Vehicles Death and Injury BMHVehiclesDi.xls 1.2 8/16/06
Child Restraint Aggregate ChildRestraints.xls 1.2 8/16/06
Child Restraint Death and Injury ChildRestraintsDi.xls 1.2 8/16/06
Equipment Death and Injury EquipmentDi.xls 1.2 8/16/06
Light Vehicles Aggregate LightVehicles.xls 1.2 8/16/06
Light Vehicles Death and Injury LightVehiclesDi.xls 1.2 8/16/06
Low Volume Vehicles Death and Injury LowVolumeVehiclesDi.xls 1.2 8/16/06
Motorcycles Aggregate MotorCycles.xls 1.2 8/16/06
Motorcycles Death and Injury MotorCyclesDi.xls 1.2 8/16/06
Substantially Similar Vehicles SubstantiallySimilar.xls 1.2 8/16/06
Tires Aggregate Tires.xls 1.4 8/16/06
Tires Death and Injury TiresDi.xls 1.2 8/16/06
Trailers Aggregate Trailers.xls 1.2 8/16/06
Trailers Death and Injury TrailersDi.xls 1.2 8/16/06

Download Instructions

Use the following procedure to download an EWR Excel template:

  1. Right-click on the desired template above to start the download. A pop-up menu appears.
  2. Click Save Target As to save the file to your desktop. When you open the template on your desktop, the following message appears: Security Warning
    Security Warning
  3. Click "Details" to view the digital signature information.
    • If you are using Excel 2000, the Certificate dialog box appears.
    • If you are using Excel 2003, the Digital Signature Details dialog box appears, click "View Certificate", the Certificate dialog appears.
  4. The certificate is digitally signed by NHTSA.
  5. Click "OK" to return to the Security Warning dialog box.
  6. Click "Enable Macros." The templates have been tested and do not contain viruses. Do not forget to select and read the EWR instructions provided above. These instructions contain the detailed reporting requirements.

If the Download Fails

If the download process is interrupted for any reason, click on the template link to re-start the process. You can return to a particular link as many times as necessary to get a complete download.